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RSS MisterB

Reward Points:30
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10 most recent arguments.
MisterB(30) Clarified
1 point

I apologize. I completely missed the part of your posts that categorized it as a clarification. I was not trying to be petty.

1 point

Technically, the debate is about legalizing marijuana; not about its affects. I am not insulting you. I am simply stating that your logic is not sound. I will agree with you by saying ABUSING marijuana is harmful to one's health. There is no science to back up your claim that marijuana USE is completely and utterly harmful. On the contrary, there is some science and a long history of people USING marijuana with little to no health affects to prove that responsible use is not harmful to one's health.

For one moment, let's pretend marijuana is harmful to one's health. By your logic anything deemed harmful should be illegal because people cannot be held accountable to maintain their own health. To continue with that logic... then refined sugars, refined flours, trans fats, unhealthy foods, pesticides, sharp knives, stinging bugs, prescription medication with too many side affects, driving over 20mph, etc. should be illegal too.

Something should not be banned just because it is harmful. Please value freedom over baby-proofing the world.

Your logic is flawed. I am not insulting you.

1 point

You are quite right in that following the law is being responsible. However, over-reaching laws restrict freedom. So, if you must argue technicalities... When a law criminalizes an act, one is no longer able to do that act without facing a potential legal consequence (loss of freedom and the opportunity to be responsible with said freedom). When that act is legal, one is free to responsibly do that act without legal consequence.

Responsiblity with freedom: The laws related to drug use should be geared towards irresponsiblity. Punishment should be dealt to those who take the freedom away from others because they were irresponsible. The laws should not be as they currently are for drug use and possession.

MisterB(30) Clarified
1 point

Thank you for pointing that out. Typo is fixed........................

1 point

Technically, there are people who have a "biological weapon" and have used that weapon; some states have criminalized the intentional transmission of HIV. The NRA bumper sticker is a slogan, but it is also very true.

You imply that guns should not be carried or owned by people because guns are dangerous. If that logic holds true then many dangerous objects should not be owned by people: knives, cutting instruments, sharp objects, rockets, bombs, poisonous substances, fire, medications, heights, anything that can cause asphyxiation, rope, rocks, bats, heavy sticks, cars, etc.

You, and many others, are focusing on the tool being used and controlling those tools instead of solutions to hatred, aggression, anger, mental illness, and many other reasons some people cause harm and destruction.

1 point

There are plenty of reasons a person should own a gun (automatic or otherwise); both sides of owning and prevention of owning is subjective. The fact is the US Constitution was designed to create a balance of freedoms for the people. Taking away those freedoms will not solve this problem. In addition and related to the recent Sandy Hook shooting, the guns used were not automatic weapons.

1 point

You contradict yourself. If you really want freedom then you wouldn't ban anything so people will be able to choose what they consume whether it is good or bad for them. Basically, you want to control others so you can have your own little bubble of freedom.

I can agree with protecting children from excessive abuse, but I believe freedom is far more important than controlling people's lives. That is the main reason to legalize marijuana. If someone is doing something near you that you don't like, then you have several options of actions; two of which are to leave or to ask that person to stop their actions.

I will not address the rest of you point because it is drifting away from the topic of legalizing marijuana.

1 point

The question and options for this debate are very narrow-minded and is extremely stupid.

1 point

The question and options for this debate are very narrow-minded and is extremely stupid.

1 point

Because people care more about their own trivial bullshit instead of responsibility, equality, and freedom. It has nothing to do with who brings it up.

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