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RSS Moldir201208

Reward Points:7
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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3 most recent arguments.
2 points

Hillary09, I'm sorry but I think you didn't get my argument fully. I meant that parents have more responsibities for future life of children rather than school ones. Parents provide somes aspects of life beyond schooling and the pursuit of academic success.

2 points

Hillary09, of course if a good academic education at school is the one best chance to set ourselves for the life, but on its own , its not enough. Schools shares with parents/guardians the role of preparing young people for independent adult life. If the parental contribution is missing or flawed and schools are not geared-up fill the void, the partnership fails in its purpose and young people are discharged into the world ill prepared for what lies ahead.

2 points

No, it doesn't help at all. Let's take an simple example. Half of Americans say that the schools are doing poor job preparing kids for colledge and the work force. According to the survey, 87% of American students feel lost when they get to the school. In general, the purpose school is to give the basic academic toolkit to be able to function in society and earn a living and, more than that, to teach you to use the brain. It seeks to lay foundations but leaves it to children to build it themselves. Whose job is it to teach us about the world of work, what is available , how we get into it, what is expected of us, how professional realtionships work, what the possibilities are. Today, few schools do carry all these materials covered.

Winning Position: No, it's a waste of time

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