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RSS NChettle

Reward Points:9
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

The consumers are still paying money for these streaming services and in return are able to listen to the music that they like.

2 points

As an artist you would want to reach the most possible people with your music. Music streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music allow this and helps the artist in reaching as many people as possible.

1 point

Yes the iPod has been so game changing and influential that it's popularity and value has in fact raised the bar and standard of listening to music.

1 point

Listening to music makes us feel good and happy which is why we do it in the first place. If I am on a bus I would prefer to listen to music rather than listen to other people talking to each other or hearing noises from their phones or people asking the bus driver questions.

1 point

I concur. My grandma is old but can still listen to an iPod which does in fact make it great. Great work Tara.

0 points

No one likes you Emily. This needs to be 50 characters long so I'm writing this too. But yeah no one likes you.

0 points

It has changed the world and people's music intake for the better as it has helped people consume more music than ever.

1 point

It can only be disruptive if the person allows it to be. Therefore the iPod itself is not disruptive.

2 points

One of the main aims for artists when they make music is to reach as many people as they can. By downloading their music, it is helping the artists achieve their goals.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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