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RSS Neill111

Reward Points:28
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10 most recent arguments.
Neill111(28) Clarified
1 point

I agree with what you are saying, but you argued for boy's ruled....and a few of those things can be applied or reveres back to the other side

3 points

1. white- You can spend a little money and have a colored PC

2. different than the PC. (interface)- The interface is more programmable, and usually easier to use

3. beatiful (sleek)- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, for example i think of alienware

4. Performance ( for my needs)- You can customize a PC to your needs

5. very fast.- PC can be very fast as long as you are tech savy enough to keep it up

6. etc...- not really a point

3 points

Relationship takes two, yes they have powers in certain parts.... But in most relationships who usually winds up with the hearts broken?

3 points

Guys care how they look, they just hid it because its annoying to be ridiculed for something like the way they look

2 points

1st Trough out history in a majority of the world up until the earlier modern era women we nothing but property.

2nd Almost doesn't cut it, and that means they can reverse engineer the sperm cell into an egg

3rd not the only think, but ok. yes their are some women with higher upper body strength, but their are some men that are more flexible than some women a trait you mentioned earlier.

4th Congratz that smaller females have better dexterity and eyesight as for composure its more of mental thought processes.

P.S. and not to mention 95% Nobel Prize winners are male, intellect in not based on genetics only and that ratio is based on school grades.

1 point

Being under-stable and patience are traits, compare two people not not genders. as for mulit tasking many people doing including boys..... if they are in front of every field why are women always complaining about sexist idealism?

0 points

Statistically girls have higher grades in k-12, and females are, statistically, more collage graduates.

Neill111(28) Clarified
1 point

when you realize that it will never stop.....and will never give you up, let you down, or hurt you

1 point

Barbies have been sold for a really long time, its stupid to stop selling them just because some people find it to be sexist and degrading to women, or the fact that it cause self esteem issues...grow up and realize that guys go though a lot of the same shit

1 point

Anyone that can not follow the simple directions should not win (haha yes you found a way to pick you, congratulations a fifth grader could do that), so i vote everyone that didn't vote for themselves (not including me)

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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