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RSS Piglet915

Reward Points:2
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

One can't compare abolishing slavery to making Puerto Rico a state. Slavery caused suffering; Puerto Rico not being a state is not making anyone suffer. In fact, its helping the Puerto Rican economy.

3 points

I completely agree with this. Our founding fathers wrote the pledge and it should remain the same, as should our constitution.

1 point

I've actually met tons of people from Puerto Rico (at my old school), most of them did not know english and the ones who did knew very little, not even enough to understand simple things. It is true that people tell them English will be vital to their education, however most do not learn the language anyway.

3 points

There is nothing wrong with changing the flag or redesigning it, but it would cost a lot of money and what about Puerto Rico? Are they suppose to just give up their flag and accept ours just like that? Besides, making Puerto Rico become a state would completely shatter their economy and require a lot of things.

1 point

I do not think that Puerto Rico should become a state of the United States mostly do to costs. As it is, our economy is doing horribly right now, but that's another argument. Puerto Rico, at the moment, gets food stamps, welfare, voting privileges, and many of the things we, (the US citizens) get, without having to pay taxes. Why buy the cow, when the milk is free?

Another change required would be changing our flag. Each star represents a state and each stripe one of the original 13 colonies. This would cost even more money.

Lastly, I believe that Puerto Rico and the United States are doing fine how they are, so why try to change things? Although, America does not have an "official language" the majority of people speak English. Many Puerto Ricans do not even know English. They have their own cultural traditions and although they are very welcome here, I do not believe we should merge.

- Cristal L.

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