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Reward Points:7
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

I find it ironic to try and be looking for a single selective religion that would be deemed as the 'right' one from the plethora that exist, mostly due to the fact that nearly every religion mandates itself as the 'true' religion and requires that one is faithful to the deity(s) of this religion. I think that it is best to look at every religion separately and pick out the positive aspects of each, and try to live accordingly to those, therefore just trying to be good and the best person that you can possibly be. Many religious people act overall better and in a kinder way than non-religious people, meaning that there is definitely something important and good within religion, and it shouldn't be denounced in any generalized way.

1 point

Terrorism defined as "the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims." can be applied by anyone/any group as said by other people here in this debate. This includes hacking groups on the internet who simply 'intimidate' their targets in order to relay a message generally with political aims. Hence the term for this would be cyber terrorism, which unfortunately is a specific example of terrorism under the wide umbrella of the definition of the word. Whether terrorism 'has' or 'possesses' religion should be a relatively simply deduction from the formatting of the question. The definition of terrorism is in no way linked to religion. It is true that many terrorist attacks are made with claims of religious reasons backing them, yet that does not mean that all terrorism has religion in it. In my opinion the question is rather poorly worded in covering such a broad topic, for it is true to say that some terrorism is linked to religion, yet it is false to say that all terrorism is linked to religion.


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