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1 point

Hi Lisa,

I agree with some of the benefits that you listed of flipped learning, such as the option for students to work at their own pace and stronger supports for ELL's. I believe the concerns you listed, however, are substantial enough to take away from the benefits of a flipped classroom. As demonstrated by Dr. Renner's study, if the program is not implemented correctly, it will not have a significant benefit to the students when compared with a traditional model. It also does not benefit either party to put in significantly more work for the same outcome. I believe more research needs to be done in order to streamline what the flipped classroom is, and is not, before widespread implementation.

Thank you for your post!

~Rachael Nyberg-Hampton; ED.893.645.9A


Hennessy, M. (2012, August 10). New Study on the Flipped Classroom by Concordia Portland’s Dr. Jeremy Renner Shows Mixed Results. [blog] Retrieved from results/

1 point

Hi Daniel,

I am struggling with the phrase "just-in-time" advice. If the students are able to complete the videos at their own leisure, how is feedback given "just-in-time" since the teacher is not constantly monitoring when a students has completed the video? In the more traditional classroom, during guided practice, feedback is given in a shorter amount of time. With the flipped classroom, teachers view student response and then respond the next day. Wouldn't that make it more challenging since students have had half a day to think their thinking is correct?

I do agree, however, that teachers will have more information about every student that completes the assignment, which may be more that usual.

Thanks for your post!

~Rachael Nyberg-Hampton, ED.893.645.9A

1 point

I am still skeptical of the flipped classroom. I was introduced to the term last week when my partner and I were deciding on possibilities for our final project. Upon further investigation, of both sides, I am not fully convinced of its merits.

There were a few preoccupations that I had with the flipped classroom that were not assuaged by the reading. To begin with, getting students to complete homework has been an unpredictable battle. There were times when the majority of my class completed it without much of a struggle. There have been other years where it is a constant battle for any completion. I am unconvinced that the simple fact of the homework being the lectures would convince the students to do their homework. What if students still refuse to do homework? I did not hear any mention of what to do when students did not complete the homework they were assigned and, therefore, unprepared for practice problems in class. Second, Hennessy (2012) concluded that there was “No significant difference was found between pre- and post-test scores of students who did and did not participate in the flipped classroom approach.” This was deemed due to a failure in implementing the strategy as opposed to the strategy itself. This makes me wary because implementing the method seems fairly complicated and less intuitive. I would be doing a disservice to my students in implementing a poorly organized flipped classroom that I did not realize was poorly organized until it was too late. Finally, I believe that some of the changes that Bergmann and Sam purported in Chapter 8 of their book were overblown. The picture they painted of the traditional classroom was not accurate. If their traditional classrooms had been organized as they had portrayed, then there is no way that Bergmann would have received a Presidential Award for Teaching. Several of the benefits they claimed, including allowing teachers to know their students better, changes in classroom management and helping busy students, appeared as more of causation than as a result of the flipped classroom. (Bergmann & Sams, 2012)

I will be creating a flipped classroom model for my final project. I am interested to see if my opinion changes as I am working on it.

By Rachael Nyberg-Hampton, ED.893.645.9A


Bergmann, J., & Sams, A. (2012). Why you should flip your classroom. In Flip your classroom: Reach every student in every class every day (pp. 19–33). Washington, DC: International Society for Technology in Education. Retrieved from

Hennessy, M. (2012, August 10). New Study on the Flipped Classroom by Concordia Portland’s Dr. Jeremy Renner Shows Mixed Results. [blog] Retrieved from results/

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