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RSS Samgem

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2 points

I can write volumes on this subject and fully expect women to mostly, if not entirely, disagree. I will happily receive the disagreements as validation of the truths within my statements.

First, there are basic scientific differences in our brains and hormones. These differences DO NOT infer that woman are incapable of logic, but merely arrive at the same conclusions to a question or problem via a different routes. However, HORMONES and the differences in our brain make EXECUTING logic more challenging for women especially in emotional situations that arrive in relationships and other bonds.

To say that women are generally illogical does NOT mean they are completely devoid of logic. As we know, women are quite manipulating resulting from early survival instincts due to a lack of physical strength. This takes calculation and, therefore, reason. Due to women's natural inclination to nurture, women are more emotional, as nature required, to bond them with their offspring as a means of protection and survival of the species.

Women have quicker overall emotional triggers, to get to the point. Their emotions are fundamental to being a woman since it's also a part of their survival instincts and connected to their intuition. Since they are intuitive, they enjoy the realization of an unspoken essence to life and seek that in men as well. We can now begin to see where the irrationality enters.

Although it may be objectively rational that men and women have different survival instincts, IT IS irrational to expect EITHER gender to act outside these instincts. Women are guilty of this irrationality when they expect, need, hope,etc. that men will be able to respond intuitively. They seek that which is not said.

As men, some of us are aware of this need, but cannot satisfy it. We can identify it, yet not feel it. So, we rely on reason to solve women's emotional subconscious need since an intuitive emotional solution from us is simply NOT POSSIBLE. However aware women are of this, they still can't stop insisting on fulfilling their emotional need. This is the irrationality.

What's worse is that women ARE capable of logic and are generally as smart as men, although statistically, men are found in fields where detached reasoning is prevalent such as the sciences. Since men are better at compartmentalization, this produces more geniuses.

Women's brains are more integrated which is also why they have a better memory especially toward emotional events. This integration, however, has a severe draw back since emotion is integrated in all their observation and recollections. This is not true of ALL women and factors such as age and testosterone levels correlate this.

It may just be as simple that the differences in our survival instincts are only integral to the physical survival of the offspring and NOT the survival of the relationship between men and women hence the complete differences and acrimony that arises. We never escape our instinctual base urges.


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