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RSS SennaMay

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2 points

Of course we don't realize that spanking isn't right, we are living in a society where dysfunction is the norm! And when you're conscious enough to step out of what you were conditioned to believe is normal, you realize that you've been completely desensitized to so many things that aren't right.

We are born into a society where violence and fear is a normal everyday thing. You turn on the news and your bombarded with shootings, stabbings, rape etc. A normal hardworking, guy, who has a wife and two kids, who believes in spanking because he was spanked as a child and there's nothing wrong with him, can come home sit at his computer and harmlessly look at pornography as so many men (and even some women) do. But are the things that pornography have to offer really normal? Are all of the fetishes, dominance, and violence in the world of pornography really okay?

What about all of the movies, we watch? The video games we give to our children? The shows on television? There is so much violence and dysfunction around us, and yes many of us realize it, but it is so normal, that we don't think much of it. So really, why do we live in a world where sexual perversion and violence are normal everyday things?

Spanking, whether or not people like hearing this, is a form of violence: "Violence is the expression of physical or verbal force against self or other, compelling action against one's will on pain of being hurt." -Wikipedia

With all of the dysfunctional adults in the world, wouldn't it be wise to look at their childhoods? How many of them were hit? How many of them were spanked? There certainly are varying degrees of abuse. One person who was spanked as a child may grow up with a fetish for it, or they most likely will believe that it's okay to hurt their children in the same way. While another child who was sadistically beaten daily, by let's say an alcoholic father, will probably have more obvious issues, that even in a dysfunctional society would stand out.

This is not coming from someone who hasn't experienced it either. I as a little girl, was spanked by my father. It was very "normal" as most people would call it. He never did anything out of the ordinary, and yet it affected me traumatically. I grew up with severe anxiety and intimacy issues, and only very recently while pregnant with my first child, did I realize there was a connection from my issues, to being spanked as a child.

The buttocks is a sexual organ, and it is through nerves connected to other sexual private organs, such as the penis and the vagina. Children are sexual beings, they have sensation in their private areas just as much as adults do. The act of spanking, is a violation to these sexual and private areas. Especially if there is no pants covering that area.

Spanking is a sexual perverse and demoralizing act, that teaches fear and humiliation. How can you teach a child to respect you, when you are not respecting them? How can you teach a child logic and reasoning through the means of fear?

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About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Senna 
Gender: Dame
Age: 38
Marital Status: Married
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States

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