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RSS SierraAlexis

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

Q:In what ways did the Treaty of Versailles contribute to the rise of radical political parties in Germany during the 1920s? What lessons should the U.S. learn from this?

A: I think that, because the treaty left Germany in such a vulnerable and poor state(little land, inflation in the economy), people were more likely to accept these political parties because they were looking for a way out of the mess. In my opinion the U.S should make more treaties but go about it in a different way.

SierraAlexis(2) Clarified
2 points

From the start Hitler was shown as weak and unfulfilled as a person, from his father beating him to living on the streets. He didn't have much to stand for and I think his personality contributed to the way he reacted to the Jewish people. Maybe Hitler didn't hate Jews all his life but at some point he started to blame them and in my opinion he saw how positive people reacted to his words, he was finally getting recognition for something and the feeling of power fueled his hatred.

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