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RSS Springfeildx

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Yes Private property or not i do beileve we should be able to carry anywhere.....why?

Because well in my case the Indiana State Police Department has deamed me capable of carring a hand gun.

2 points

I'll preface this by saying that I have never in my life felt unsafe or afraid in my day to day comings and goings any where I have lived. I don't carry a concealed handgun because of a fearful existence or paranoia.

I also do not have a "commando complex" which would make me one of the worst kind of wannabes seeing I have never served in the military or law enforcement. I actually do not have any desire to use the gun on anyone and pray I never have to pull it for any reason.

I don't place myself in dangerous situations or go places where I think danger may be present. In other words, my primary form of self defense is avoidance of potential danger, not confrontation.

That does not make me a coward, because I have inadvertently and unintentionally found myself in situations where I have had to step in to defend other people (without a firearm), and I have responded pro-actively and decisively.

So setting aside those common accusations against people who carry concealed handguns, why do I carry one?

1. Because I can. It is a right afforded to me by the U.S. Constitution and the Arkansas State constitution. It is afforded to me by a concealed carry law that law abiding citizens should never have had to fight for.

Nonetheless, it has been hard won through long and expensive legislative action to develop what we have today. It is a right and the more of us who obtain the license and carry the guns, the harder it will be for controlling politicians to reverse it in the future.

2. Because it is my duty and responsibility to take advantage of a right afforded to me by what I believe was the guiding hand of an almighty God in the framing of the Constitution of the U.S. and the Bill of Rights.

3. Because I choose to take responsibilityy for my and my family's safety. Police generally arrive at a crime scene after the criminals are long gone and the devastation to citizen victims is already done. It is foolish indeed to believe that that our civil governments have the ability to protect us from the sub human predators of our society.

4. Because I live in a real world in which I recognize the dangers above are present. To do otherwise is to stick our heads in the sand and ignore an ever-present danger among us.

5. Because I want to be part of what makes criminals wonder if the next person they choose to assault may be the one that ends their life. The more law abiding citizens that are armed, the less sure criminals can be of the outcome of their actions against us.

2 points

Okay i am willing to reason with you lets do a for instince.

Badguy: walks into a store full of 12 people. carring a springfeild xd40 Sub compact okay he only has 1 clip 1 clip holds 9 rounds! everyone in the store has a gun too and want to live!!

Badguy: shoots 1 person

?: how many of those 11 people are going to shoot each other? that makes it 1vs11 Now what's the badguy going to do.

2 points

Saying," I say that guns should be banned because they are killing thousands of people each week." is like saying,"I say that people should be banned because they are killing thousands of people each week

ya look these kids were messed up.......and got there hands on guns anyway but look at it like this. had every teacher, janitor, principal,etc in that building had a gun how many peoples life's would have been saved??

2 points

i don't believe they should ban guns i think if everyone in the world had a gun there would be less crime. But for all the #Haters out there let me put it this way. Saying ."oh guns don't kill but Bullets do." Is like saying, " oh i didn't rape her but my dick did.'' Drop the whole subject people like you #Haters are targeting the wrong people the people who take the proper step in to receiving that right to carry are not the ones to go after its the mofos down the ally way that think that this is still high school in the real world and wanna play on a team (aka GANG) so get off the asses of those who obtain a proper permit and respect the fact that those people are the ones who would prolly put their life's on the line for all you baby's out there who are getting held up in a bank laying on the ground crying because the lady next to you has a bullet in her head and the only one in the room with a gun that you know of is the guys killing people. Think about it that way sure you can take the guns away from the good guys but can you take them away from the bad guys......

Winning Position: NO!! Guns are Killing machines

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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