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RSS StephMurray

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
StephMurray(3) Clarified
1 point

Hi Victoria!

Thank you for your question and feedback. I do believe learning centers are a great alternative to flipped learning, especially when technology access is limited. I like the suggestion you gave in reference to students receiving instruction whether it is face-to-face or online on one day and then completing an assignment or project the next day. I believe this would give students more time to process new content at their own pace and demonstrate their learning.

Stephanie Murray


1 point

Hi Brittany!

Research supports that Flipped Classrooms provide students with opportunities to dive deeper into the learning material. However, I do not believe Flipped Classrooms are for every student and classroom. Students who are successful in Flipped Classrooms have access to technology and are self-disciplined. These students know how they learn and what strategies work best with their individual learning styles. If a student is unmotivated or traditionally struggles with learning new content, it can be easy for these types of students to get distracted or persevere when learning at home. Students who do not have access can easily fall behind and/or have to wait until the next school day to ask questions or receive affirmation from their teacher.

Stephanie Murray


0 points

Although research has shown that the Flipped Classroom Model has positive results in improving student achievement, I believe lack of access prevents this model from being an effective instructional strategy for all students. The majority of students I teach come from low-income and disadvantaged communities. Many of my students’ families do not have the tools and/or home environment that is conducive for flipped learning. Flipped classrooms require each student to have their own digital device (preferably a computer) and Internet access outside of school, in order to participate in the class and view the class lectures and presentations (Nielsen, 2011).

Some may argue, that students have smart phones, but if the cell phone does not have any data, it is “useless”. Many of my students do not have reliable transportation to go the library, have to take care of younger siblings, after-school jobs, or get home late from after-school activities that can prevent or distract students from fully engaging with Flipped learning at home (Nielsen, 2011). I assert implementing strategies, such as flipped learning into a learning environment without taking into consideration the population of students that are being served is ineffective.

Ideally, a more effective approach of implementing Flipped learning would be school-issued computers for every student; however, since this isn’t likely, teachers could possibly create stations in the classroom where students still watch short video lectures and spend the remainder of class, collaboratively working with their peers and/or receiving one-to-one instruction from the teacher.


Nielsen, L. (2011, October 8). Five Reasons I'm Not Flipping Over The Flipped Classroom. Retrieved July 8, 2018, from 10/five-reasons-im-not-flipping-over.html

Stephanie Murray


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