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RSS Sudi1992

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
2 points

I believe that schools - especially primary schools - should not make use of these multimedia tools, because I think that this could lead to the children lacking in other abilities. Things such as writing skills and math skills. By implementing iPads in classrooms, children will slack off by using a spelling checkers, calculators and other apps that help them complete their tasks.

I also believe that children should not be pushed to develop a talent on such an early age in the so-called Steve Jobs schools. I think that this will lead to them feeling a lot of pressure.

1 point

Thank you for your honest reply @Steffsplm. From what I read, you support this statement from the companies' perspective (more sales, increase in revenue, etc). However, I would like to know what you think from an ethical perspective.

According to research that was done by M. Dittmann (2004), children aged 8 and younger lack the cognitive ability to recognize advertising's persuasive intent. A question that was asked in this article was: "Is it fair to allow advertising to an audience that is too young to recognize commercial messages are biased and have a persuasive intent?"

Research has shown that there are harmful effects that come along with it. Some researchers speculate that advertising geared to children, which largely consists of ads for sugary cereals, candy and fast-food restaurants, may be contributing to the increase in childhood obesity.

Also, there's a growing number of young children using the Internet and watching television in their bedrooms, where no one is present to explain what they are viewing or reading.

Therefore, I'd like to ask you if you find it ethical.

1 point

Thank you very much @Hellno. I accidentally banned myself, but thanks for your help. Even though I agree with you that the parents should be held responsible. I am wondering how you think about the fact that kids, starting from age 2/3 become members of this increasingly growing consumer society. Some would say that this is unethical, because they are unable to think for themselves, but are still overloaded with commercials that are aimed at them.

1 point

Thank you for your response @Vessyned! So what you are saying is that if there are advertisements aimed at children, those should only show healthy food and beverages? Instead of bombarding them with advertisements about toys and sweets? I am looking forward to your response.

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