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RSS Tchcheryl

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

But the time frame now is 1938, where Britain had not done much to stop Hitler. However, at that point of time when their only options were to go to war or appease to Hitler, Appeasement would have been a better option for Britain.

1 point

But without appeasement, Germany were on the brink of attacking Britain. They would not have time to rearm

1 point

Even though Britain could have had a more forceful stand, but they would not be able to predict that appeasement would cause WWII. A forceful stand could also aggravate the situation and Hilter may be more willing to fight Britain, which at that time had a weak military after WWI.

1 point

You have a point, but they would not have been able to know that they can overpower Germany since Hitler was already in the process of his aggressive Expansionist Policy. Another point is that the British did not want to go to war, therefore if Britain had went to war, they would not receive much backing from the people.

2 points

In my opinion, appeasement was the right policy for Britain in 1938.

In 1938, Britain was still recovering from WWI after losing many soldiers and the military was weak. Without appeasement, Germany would have been able to start a war, leaving Britain to be defenseless. Therefore, appeasement would allow Britain to buy time and strengthen her defenses.

Another reason is that the British were low on morale and did not want to go to war. With appeasement, time can be bought and it would have shown the people that the government had tried many methods to prevent the war from happening. Therefore, the British would be more willing to fight for their country and help out during the war.

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