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RSS TheEgyptian

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

As long as the employers/businesses are allowed to have a say one whether employees can bring weapons or not, I have no problem with this.

This country's second amendment (because it's the second most important :3) entitles individual citizens to the right to bear arms. States can have regulations based on criminal records and mental illness, but a law forbidding a business from allowing employees to bring weapons (or suggesting that they would be liable for any accident that occurs) is unconstitutional.

1 point

Ok who's the guy who flies around the world at the cover of darkness with sacks of goods that haven't gone through customs and contain unknown products? Who's the guy wo has no officially licenced mode of transport and has no passport or is recorded on the systems of any country? I'll tell you : Santa Claus (not to be mistaken for the excellent British Father Christmas)

Yes, I knwo you're shocked but who else would have an excellent motive? those towers were clearly in the way of his flight plan and he certainly not fly around them as it would have interrupted his increasingly tight schedual.

Ok who's the guy who flies around the world at the cover of darkness with sacks of goods that haven't gone through customs and contain unknown products? Who's the guy wo has no officially licenced mode of transport and has no passport or is recorded on the systems of any country? I'll tell you : Santa Claus (not to be mistaken for the excellent British Father Christmas)

Yes, I knwo you're shocked but who else would have an excellent motive? those towers were clearly in the way of his flight plan and he certainly not fly around them as it would have interrupted his increasingly tight schedual.

Ok who's the guy who flies around the world at the cover of darkness with sacks of goods that haven't gone through customs and contain unknown products? Who's the guy wo has no officially licenced mode of transport and has no passport or is recorded on the systems of any country? I'll tell you : Santa Claus (not to be mistaken for the excellent British Father Christmas)

Yes, I knwo you're shocked but who else would have an excellent motive? those towers were clearly in the way of his flight plan and he certainly not fly around them as it would have interrupted his increasingly tight schedual.

Ok who's the guy who flies around the world at the cover of darkness with sacks of goods that haven't gone through customs and contain unknown products? Who's the guy wo has no officially licenced mode of transport and has no passport or is recorded on the systems of any country? I'll tell you : Santa Claus (not to be mistaken for the excellent British Father Christmas)

Yes, I knwo you're shocked but who else would have an excellent motive? those towers were clearly in the way of his flight plan and he certainly not fly around them as it would have interrupted his increasingly tight schedual.

Ok who's the guy who flies around the world at the cover of darkness with sacks of goods that haven't gone through customs and contain unknown products? Who's the guy wo has no officially licenced mode of transport and has no passport or is recorded on the systems of any country? I'll tell you : Santa Claus (not to be mistaken for the excellent British Father Christmas)

Yes, I knwo you're shocked but who else would have an excellent motive? those towers were clearly in the way of his flight plan and he certainly not fly around them as it would have interrupted his increasingly tight schedual.

Ok who's the guy who flies around the world at the cover of darkness with sacks of goods that haven't gone through customs and contain unknown products? Who's the guy wo has no officially licenced mode of transport and has no passport or is recorded on the systems of any country? I'll tell you : Santa Claus (not to be mistaken for the excellent British Father Christmas)

Yes, I knwo you're shocked but who else would have an excellent motive? those towers were clearly in the way of his flight plan and he certainly not fly around them as it would have interrupted his increasingly tight schedual.

Ok who's the guy who flies around the world at the cover of darkness with sacks of goods that haven't gone through customs and contain unknown products? Who's the guy wo has no officially licenced mode of transport and has no passport or is recorded on the systems of any country? I'll tell you : Santa Claus (not to be mistaken for the excellent British Father Christmas)

Yes, I knwo you're shocked but who else would have an excellent motive? those towers were clearly in the way of his flight plan and he certainly not fly around them as it would have interrupted his increasingly tight schedual.

1 point

Ok who's the guy who flies around the world at the cover of darkness with sacks of goods that haven't gone through customs and contain unknown products? Who's the guy wo has no officially licenced mode of transport and has no passport or is recorded on the systems of any country? I'll tell you : Santa Claus (not to be mistaken for the excellent British Father Christmas)

Yes, I knwo you're shocked but who else would have an excellent motive? those towers were clearly in the way of his flight plan and he certainly not fly around them as it would have interrupted his increasingly tight schedual.

1 point



































1 point

YOU ARE JEWISH and sw kjasdfhgjkadfh akjdfg adfhgsajkld fskljdfh gajkdsf gljkadf hgkjad flhksgadf

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