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RSS TheNomad

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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

If you think abortion is wrong, I'd like to know what you think about animal slaughter for food. Do you think its wrong? Or is it okay?

1 point

America was built with religious freedom in mind. If you start using your religion as the "law" and only "true morals", your putting your religion above others without them having a choice, and controlling THEIR lives due to YOUR beliefs.

1 point

I will quote you here: "It's quite amazing that yesterday's Democrat party supported slavery and the Democrat Party of today supports no restriciton abortions. It seems that simple humanity is something missing in the Democrat's Party's soul."

Ya know, generalizing people usually doesn't turn out very good. Saying Democrats in general have no humanity is pretty bad for your argument.

Additionally, what is a women who was raped supposed to do? Lets say shes low income, and single. Now she has another person to feed, house, take care of, set insurance up for, spend hours on, etc.

You fail to think of the women who have no option. If they cannot abort their child, well their going to raise a child in poverty. So its either end the fetus' progress which may or may not be conscious based off how old the fetus is, which people do to animals and your probably fine with, or have the child AND mother grow up in a poor environment. And possibly die of hunger, thirst, sickness, etc., which is a much worse death.

Additionally, a baby can't even recognize pain till 29-30 weeks.

In general, you don't take into account that a raped women has enough to deal with. And now she has >18 years of her life absorbed by a child. Because someone else didn't like something about HER life, that should be HER decision, and affects HER and only HER.

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About Me

"I consider myself Ietsist. I sexually identify as Kermit the Frog. And dogs are > to cats."

Biographical Information
Name: Eric Crary
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States
Religion: Other

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