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RSS Thesavior88

Reward Points:7
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7 most recent arguments.
3 points

Really now... Why don't we see this happening today? Oh ya I hope you guys are all happy with being saying your a monkey

2 points

If you except Jesus Christ you are going to go to heaven if you do not well you are going to hell. If you do not believe in God or Christianity and want to go to hell... I feel sorry for you i will try everything in my power to bring you to Christ but people are just too stubborn. See what sucks the most is that some of you prefer hell than heaven which I would never do... and once you get there, there is no turning back, changing your mind, reincarnation or anything... You will be stuck there. And in hell, once you burn to death from the extreme heat, tortured, and screeching, you start the same process over and over and over for eternity... and you prefer that? See what hurts me the most is that people are not realizing how real both heaven and hell are. There are demons and there are angels, there is God and there is the Devil... and if you think the devil likes you, actually the complete opposite... THE DEVIL HATES YOU BECAUSE YOU REMIND HIM OF GOD BECAUSE WE WERE ALL CREATED IN GODS IMAGE. he just wants to watch you be tortured to death for his own enjoyement of bringing people away from God.

3 points

Saying your perfect is retarded aright i don't think anyone is perfect it dosen't matter whether your a christian or not the world does not revolve around you so saying that is very innacurate. And just because you sin does not mean you are not accepted into heaven.

3 points

Ya I'd rather go to heaven rather than burning my ... in hell. But for real in heaven you would always be happy, no death, no pain, nothing but joy and you'll always be with God. Sounds a little corny but there is nothing corny about it, what else would you expect paradise to be?

2 points

Peace! There religion teaches indirectly to dispose of all who are not of their religion which extremists come from. Not all of them believe in that but most of the extremists believe in that concept

2 points

I don't think so, how would they have a sense of judgement, a conscience, or even emotions if they have been cloned! No that would be way too risky

2 points

No its not like everyone is psychopathic and kills people or even themselves by playing a violent video game

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