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RSS TimYap

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

Iraq was in a desperate economic crisis following the recent war with Iran. However, although Kuwait helped Iraq in the war financially, it directly opposed its economical recovery by selling oil above the agreed quota. This caused the price of Iraq's oil to drop dangerously low. Kuwait brought Iraq down to US$7 per barrel. It is clear that Kuwait rather than helping Iraq is instead weakening the country even more after the war. Without a doubt, Kuwait is to blame for this conflict.

TimYap(5) Clarified
1 point

why did Japan need natural resource? Was it to aid them in the invasion of SEA?

- Jake

1 point

Public figures are representatives of the society and tend to set the moral standards of the rest of the public. This is because people grant them greater respect due to their exceptional performance in jobs and their inspirations.

Taking your example, the actor is famous due to his good acting skills, receiving admiration from the general public. When he does something bad and is not confronted, he will give others a reason to do it. Thus his actions have to be judged.

3 points

Public figures should be held accountable for their actions as what they do will gradually but certainly influence the public's lifestyle. Public figures are known for their exceptional skill and values that receive admiration, such as perseverance.

When no action is taken against offenses or morally offensive acts committed by public figures out of prejudice, the public will take this to mean that it is okay to do it, since their role model has done it and has not been confronted for it. Gradually, the offensive act receives greater and greater reception from the public and will slowly fade into the social norm. A very immoral society would emerge over cumulation of such "fade-ins".

While public figures desire protected privacy, one must bear in mind that they are after all, public figures. Whether they themselves desired fame or not does not change the fact that they have this responsibility to keep. They not only have equal, but greater responsibility to maintain good conduct.

0 points

Stalin took many lives when he tried to improve the industry and agriculture of Russia. As a result, he lost much of the manpower in Russia and progress was slower than if he had been less demanding and more willing to meet the needs of the people.

While the industrial output and agricultural output did increase substantially, he plunged the society into a state of fear, distrust and misery. Russia became a strong but soulless production machine.

He had failed to achieve communism as there was still a clear barrier between the wealthier and the poorer. The peasants never actually escaped the poverty cycle that they had been trapped in for so long.

In short, Stalin was a failure.

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