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RSS Tnicks21

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

why would you want a constitution that kind of absolute power can grow to large and be abused on several different occasions. An example of a abuse of power is the court case US VS LOPEZ. That was a commerce case clause the federal government felt like they had the right to intervene in state matters because of the commerce clause. There was no where in their list of enumerated powers where it says the federal government controls the educational system but because of all this power the federal government will continue to basically do what they cause their constitution is the "supreme law of the land"

0 points

Anti-federalists did not support the constitution because they knew it would violate people's rights. without a bill of rights they knew the constitution wouldn't protect citizen's rights. the constitution should not be ratified because congress has to much power. they pass laws that go to far. the constitution has a list of enumerated powers that they have over the states. An Example, of the federal government abusing their power is a federal court case called US VS. LOPEZ in this court case the federal government uses the commerce clause as a justification of why they could charge a 18 year high school senior with felony charges even though the rights to education and schools was left up to the states. there was no where in congresses list of enumerated powers that it states that they have the power to infer in school dealings. the constitution explains in there amendment and listed powers of how its the supreme law of the land. According to Brutus 1, " the government is to possess absolute and uncontrollable power, legislative, executive and judicial, which respect to every object to which it extends, for by the last clause of section 8." the constitution created one sole power to control all 50 states but these laws are stretched and abused because the government made it to where states have less power to govern themselves

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