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RSS TogueSlathin

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

The legislative might have the upper hand but the president isn't as hopeless as it sounds. As we have seen when congress submits a budget the president can decide not to sign it and cause a government shutdown until he gets want or close to what he wants. This happened when trump wanted money for the wall and he didn't approve the budget until they provided some money for the wall.

1 point

The President is more powerful than the congress because of things like his agenda setting and the bully pulpit. The President has a huge platform to issue ideas and topic that he want people to talk about. This is important because it sparks debate and political discussion on certain topics and news platforms for example usually pick up the topics to discuss. Overall the President has the power to make people talk about certain subject and has great influence on the peoples ideas. An example of this is the way trump uses media like twitter to express his opinion on topics and it allows for people to see and talk about it.

Another power that makes the president more powerful is executive orders and how they allow him to go around the congress. He can issue and executive order without having to wait for a bill to do through the long process and have the chance to be killed. The order skips congress and allow for immediate action to enforce the presidents enforcement power, and allows him to again assert his ideals quickly and effectively.

Finally the president is more powerful than congress because he can singularly veto a bill that comes to his attention. Although his veto can be overridden it is extremely rare and his veto almost always results in the death of a bill, and even if he send it back the house and senate have to both vote against his veto. This rarely happens because usually the party of the president hold one of the sides and they don't normally vote against the president. 2/3 vote in both the house and senate.“Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it becomes a Law, be presented to the President of the United States; If he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, “(The Presidents Veto Power)

1 point

state government are more relatable to the people since mostly the laws and regulations are the peoples ideas. democracy is never a bad idea and making the people have more of a say in their government helps them to trust the system more. debt forgiveness laws gave people a way to pay off their debts and value is value.

1 point

Militias are the best form of protection and are local and by the people. The problem with the standing army is that if we needed to take back over because of our rights being violated we couldn't do that. since the standing army would over power the states. And the executive would use the standing army to control the states and to keep them under its rule since the people stand no chance.

1 point

Necessary and proper clause should not be allowed for the federal government because it gives them to much power. The federal government can justify anything they want by saying that it was necessary and proper to the united states. This will allow them to control the states and move forward their own agenda.

3 points

Federal courts are not the ideal court systems because they impose superiority over the state courts. The federal courts are not local to the people and are not relatable. They overshadow the state courts because of the supremacy clause. Since the supremacy clause allows for the federal government to have authority over the laws and sentences that the state governments can impose.“Supreme law of the land.” This causes the states government to be weak since the federal government can shut down laws that state governments pass when they feel like it is necessary and proper to the well being of the united states.

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