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RSS Treenoodles

Reward Points:2
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

As I recall when your people first arrive we brought you gifts of food and welcomed you as a custom in my culture. It was not us you began the aggression and conflict. When you first saw us you looked down upon us with disdain. Immediately you began systematically pushing us from our land, which not all had physical uses but was spiritually important. Though I can't expect you to understand that. After all, we don't even speak the same language.

1 point

In the beginning, when Europeans first came to the Americas and encountered Native Americans it was obvious that the two cultures were very different. Both advanced in their own way but unfortunately, the Europeans did not see them as equals because of the simple fact that they were different. The Europeans were not able to grasp that this new culture was no different than any other civilization in its early times and had the potential to grow and become more advanced over time. They narrowmindedly tried to hold the Native Americans civilization to the standards of their own and based their decision off of that. So when it comes to determining what position should be taken in relation to Native Americans today I say that European descendants should be ashamed for the lack of reasoning and stupidity of their ancestors. The real savages are those who unjustly slaughtered millions of people and lacked the understanding to see that that's all they were, people. And so to end this comment I ask you who was more uncivilized? the Indians who welcomed the new guests to their land or the intruders who thought they were justified in conquering a people who they thought were inferior?

1 point

There will be to much power in the hands of the government. Because of this the Anti-Federalist fought for the Bill of Rights. This would ensure that the people would not be so easily oppressed. The Bill of rights will limit the power of the government and safegaurd the liberties of the people.

"The Great Debate." Oak Hill Publishing Company. pp. 1.Sept. 2017

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