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RSS Vanivamaatan

Reward Points:11
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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Efficiency Monitor

7 most recent arguments.
-4 points
0 points

environment problems- environmental problems

humans has- humans have

environment problems- environmentAL

floodings of the famous yellow river is due- are due not is- floodingS ARE

Barrers- barriers

it- what is it?

move away- moved away

what was the problem- problem of what? State it at the beginning

realize- realized

incessant- wrong word

built- build

carry on- carried on

Capital letters for the dam's name

dramatically- how dramatic is dramatic? how so? in what ways?

it- what is it?

showed- shows- tense

environmental not environment

ideasto- ideas to

a ongoing- an ongoing

environmental NOT environment

CHECK YOUR LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR and check your facts please

Good organization. Clear topic sentence and explanation.

However, introduction of the example could be improved upon. Perhaps stating the constant flooding of the famous yellow river caused much disruption till dams were built to prevent them. This might help to link it back to your second sentence where humans learn their lessons and deal with environmental problems more effectively.

-2 points
-2 points
-1 points

Other possible more interesting examples include: ( in increasing order of complexity)

women (especially in some middle east countries)

The Rwandan conflict

the emo cult

offsprings from interracial marriages


Jehovah's witnesses in America (etc.....)

-1 points

It depends on the amount of truth that is shared or revealed through the study of history.

Winning Position: Is the study of history beneficial to mankind?

About Me

I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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