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Reward Points:13
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

it does not mean that we must seach information only in libraries. It means that there are a lot of different ways to fing good and realiable information. Becuse on TV , we have no evidences , that information is reliable and right. associations can be provided in a wrong way, knowledges and information can be wrong. And mostly by watching tv information is absorbed poorly, even if this information is good

1 point

I gave only an example. It doesn't mean that each of us mast stay in library. I only wanted to argue that some people forgot what does it mean "not wasting time". For example, student and pupils after their study go home and have a relax..... in front of TV. Instead they could go outside walk on the fresh air, go to the gym or some clubs (debate club, art club etc.)

Also while sitting in front of tv , not everybody control what are they watching. You said about bringing any kind of associations, but associations that are provided in channel and programs aften can be wrong , and even stupid. Not everything provided on tv is good , not whole information is checked on the veracity and correctness

2 points

I agree that we have to choose chanels and programs, but mostly people intrested in "easy-watching" channels. Not everybody intersted in scientific programs of historical one. They would more likely watch "American next top-model" instead of programm about chemistry

2 points

in my opinion, people should not watch tv! Because people spend time in front of tv, while there are mostly useless programs. Almost everything shown on tv is "rubbish". Inadequate carttons for children, awfull reality programms, scandalous shows only clog our minds. However, people say that a lot of good information can be taken from tv. But I think that information can be taken from other sources like libraries, books etc.

1 point

NO! Pupils in private schools are not selfish and jealous! In my own experience, I graduated from private school! I cannot say that my family is rich! I studied with very reach kids but everbody in our class are very friendly and kind!!! There were no disrimination, no bad people. Only good pupils, excelent teachers that gave me strong knowledges and only positive reminiscence!!!!!!!!

2 points

In my opinion , Private shools are not worse! Sometimes they are much better than public ones! In private shools amout of pupils in classes are less, that is why the quality of student controll is more better! Teachers can controll homeworks more properly. Controlling of pupils' discipline is better. Also it such schools there is an individualistic method of working with each child. And if pupil has a problems teacher in private school will help more readily than in public one.

1 point

Of course, you can be a good businessman without diploma. But It will be more dificult to get a job without it. Also without education you will not have enough knowledges to be succesfull businessman. And even if you have a will power and ambitions it is very little to the success.

3 points

Of course, everything is depends on person! And understanding of meaning "successful and happy life" for every man is different! However, education gives us an oppoutunity to have reasonable idea of "successful and happy life". Also education gives us knowledges that we can use to make our lives better.

2 points

Death penalty should be exist! To prevent wrong decision people should judge very accuratelly, sensibly and wisely! But there some people whose crimes are really horrible and unforgivable! and if they sent to prison they would have an chance to escape from it and start committing a crime again!

Winning Position: No, it can prepare

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