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RSS Abusedmule

Reward Points:7
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

Did you tell him you only wanted to fight for training/whatever purposes?

... I don't see why there'd be a problem with it... Other than the fact that a man probably would not try his hardest unless his ego was bruised, which... I guess wouldn't be as satisfying a match for you.

shrug I say if you're completely sure that you wish to go through with it and think yourself capable, you should be able to. :D

2 points

Hmm... I probably wouldn't... Because I do not fare well with this jumping out at me, which I'm sure that whole movie is chalk full of.


But I like a good horror movie now and then, just... probably not that one.

1 point

That`s why I put at the begining of my post that it all depended on where it was placed.

If it was on someone`s house, a store, ect... Then it`s not alright.

But maybe abandoned places, or buildings where it`s permitted by the owner to do so is alright.

and if something was painted on my shed, I`d be fine with it. Maybe not my house... Because it`s a bit odd to picture something like graffiti on a house and have it look good. But yeah...

D`: I mean pretty as in difficulty, great colour coordination, and technicality.

1 point

Exactly my point.

Instead of people pointing out their bad habits and admitting to themselves of them, they blame others for retarded and illogical reasons.

1 point

The earth has always gone in a type of ``mood swing`` of temperatures.

And just as you guys have said there`s scientific evidence some places in the world are getting warmer, there`s other that states other spots are getting colder and colder.

Last year, we had a fall like summer, wich`s 15C for over here. When, in years before, we had an average of 32C. And this year`s looking to be the same, but colder then the others.

I know that`s just a look of this area, but other areas have been having the same effect, even places across the world from myslef.

1 point

... Ever watch the show ``Junk raiders``? They make old storage places into fully functional apartments, and make everything out of trash/`junk`.

They make awesome stuff with that.

I also saw a piece just this week on daily planet where some scrap metal artists make, a mechanical bull, and even a DJ booth. The DJ boot had features on it such as a few water fountains with lazer lights going trough it, and pyrotechnics. It all went with the beat of the music.

Made it all in one weekend.

Was amazing.

If you don`t see art in something like that, then.... Wow...

1 point

I agree.

I love when a train passes by and you see a few really wonderful designs people have come yup with, and even colours.

Or like, I remember this on place where a person graffiti`d a really amazing picture of a wolf. The colours and composition was so awesome.

Definitely makes up for the tons of crappy ones.

1 point

I think it all depends on what and what they put on it.

Some of the graffiti on trains are beautifull. Even if some are just words. The colours, design, everything about a few of them, is so pretty.

Though if it were on something like a bathroom stall, desk, building, sign, ect... I guess that would be a bad thing, no matter how nice it is. Especially if it is something crude, profane, ect...

But i think appropriate and tastefull graffiti is something that birghtens my day and probably puts a smile on peoples faces.

1 point

I think a tax on junk food would be a good thing.

People depend alot on junk food... and it kind of makes me sick. D`:

I think a tax would discourage people from eating unhealthy and actually attempting to correct their bad habits.

MY friend`s family is all obese, and they blame the stuff like preservatives and stuff in food like meat, etc... But if you look at their eating habits, two bags of chips a day, ice cream at mid night, they eat frozen dinners or pre made crap, etc...

When I go over there, For a whole week, I eat just one bag of chips, and cook my own food. They look at me like I`m insane.

Yet instead of blaming their bad habits, they blame the food industry.

Which is retarded.

1 point

I speak fluent english and french.

In the process of learning German and Japanese. I can read it... But not formulate sentences very well.

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Gender: Girl
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: Canada
Education: High School

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