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RSS Agill11

Reward Points:1
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1 point

From purely a human rights point of view, a two-state solution is the only option. Starting with the first human rights conference of 1968 held in Tehran, Iran, the United States has been heavily involved in setting a precedent for human rights around the world. One example of a human right set fourth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is that every person has the right to a nation. If the United States pulls all funding and involvement in aiding Israel, we will be essentially promoting the free state of war and conflict resulting in a one state solution. If we accept a one-state solution, we have given up on our quest to ensure every person in the world maintains their right to a nation and to a home.

I understand the notion of having our own problems domestically to take care of before we solve worldwide issues, but we made a commitment to the people around the world. Just because we face our own issues, does not mean we can lose sight of our global quest to ensure human rights to everybody.

I also believe that, as a nation, the United States struggles to provide one balanced nation that every citizen feels at peace with. Clearly the two party system has driven apart people in our own borders, but again, this does not mean we can give up on our commitment to at least try. To at least try to ensure equal human rights to everybody globally.

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