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RSS Allenbauer

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3 points

The phrase "communism is good in theory but bad in practice" is one of the most cliche phrases thrown around by people who want to appear to be enlightened, but fail to grasp the true meaning of the theory.

Communism has nothing to do in theory with everyone being equal. It also has nothing to do with having the so called "what's in the best interest of the people."

Communism in theory and in practice is nothing more than pure evil.

It's pure evil for the simple reason that it's underlying premise is that man has no right to his own life.

Under communism every beggar and worthless parasite of a human being has a right to you life and production except you.

You have no right to pursue your dreams and passions.

You cannot choose the line of work that you are passionate about. Maybe you wanted to be a doctor and have the skills to be the person who finds a cure for cancer, but instead the "good of the people" decide that they need a garbage man more.

You have no right to live where you want to live. In fact under communism, families were purposely sent to different areas after they graduated college and were assigned job positions based on the needs of the people.

The bottom line is under communism the state owns you as a slave. You have no right to anything. It sets up a system for bureaucrats in control to issue out favors. How anyone can see communism as anything but pure evil in theory and practice is beyond me.

Now let's look at socialism. Denmark for example is a socialist country that has high taxes, but also provides things like free college (in fact you get paid while you go to college), free health care, a good pension and other great benefits. Since the top tax rate is 60% people tend to ask for things like more time off instead of higher pay.

While many right wing conservative American's talk about the evils of socialism, they fail to realize they spend their entire lives paying for their's and their kids education, often refinancing loans on their house. Loans you can't dismiss in a bankruptcy. Plus many American's are uninsured and wiped out financially by one large health issue.

Denmark has a more equal distribution of wealth among people. There are very few rich and very few poor. They are one of the happiest countries in the world.

The main difference between socialism and communism is under the socialist system people still have the freedom to choose their careers, where they live, where they work, etc.

In fact, Denmark although not perfect is a fine example of the theory and practice of socialism. Whereas all we can find for communism are failed examples because of the theory and practice.

Communism has sucked the joy and life out of the people who have had to endure it's evil.

Socialism has created many opportunities by leveling the playing field and eliminated class envy.

So next time you hear someone say, "Communism is good in theory, but bad in practice." Hopefully, you will think about some of the points I mentioned here.

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