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RSS Allychandler

Reward Points:1
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

BUt you cant totally disagree with it and then eat the meat>

-4 points
-1 points

With out Factory Farming, not enough food would be produced to feed all of the people in the world. Improvements in farming techniques allowed for significantly improved yields, and supported the urbanization of the population.Advocates of factory farming claim that factory farming has led to the betterment of housing, nutrition, and disease control over the last twenty years. In 1990 factory farming accounted for 30% of world meat production.By 2005 this had risen to 40%. If everyones looking at it in a bad way then why does it keep rising.

4 points

that has nothing to do with water. if you took this seriously then it would make sence why your side is winning but your not.

10 points

If you don’t save the bottled water for an emergency you are not thinking about later you are thinking about now. You are drinking bottled water when you don’t even need to. Bottle water and tap water is the same thing. Bottled water-has more waste and you have to pay for it. Tap water-has all the same things as bottled except no price and no waste

2 points

Take, for instance, Pepsi's Aquafina or Coca-Cola's Dasani bottled water. Both are sold in 20 ounce sizes and can be purchased from vending machines alongside soft drinks — and at the same price. Assuming you can find a $1 machine, that works out to 5 cents an ounce. These two brands are essentially filtered tap water, bottled close to their distribution point. Most municipal water costs less than 1 cent per gallon.

So why would you pay for something that comes out of your sink.

3 points

Water should only be saved and used for emergencies. If an earthquake, hurricane, winter storm or other disaster strikes your community, you might not have access to water for days, or even weeks. So when there is an emergency you would want bottle water. So the bottled water that everyone thinks is better and healthier than tap water is not even true. So like in reality, bottled water is just water. There's very little evidence that suggests bottled water is any cleaner or better for you than its tap equivalent. So like you should save the bottled water for and emergency and drink tap water instead of waiting until there is actually something wrong and tap water is unavailable or gross and polluted. Some people are worried about if their tap water is harmful and they would like filtered water but most bottle water is tap water and there are bottles that are sold that have a filter in the bottle that filters it the same way a filter would filter the other water. Or you can buy a pitcher that filters the tap water and there are filters that go right on to your sink so the water that comes out of your faucet will be filtered. So there are other options that can be bought that can filter your water and you can use tap water instead of using bottled water. Also when you buy bottled water and you throw away the bottle instead of recycling it you are harming the environment. Over 80 percent of plastic bottles are simply thrown away.

Bottled water produces up to 1.5 million tons of plastic waste per year.

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