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RSS Aweeks1400

Reward Points:2
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1 point

Hi Carolyn, I understand your arguments and can see where you are coming from; however, I see many counter arguments to the items mentioned. I agree that a lecture format does not work with all students, but the flipped classroom allows for various media forms to be enacted and today's students are generally attracted to technology and media. Furthermore, students can re-watch, pause, or even fast forward if desired/needed. Then, class time can be utilized for students to question, comment, and deepen understanding of the given lectures (content). Therefore, the flipped classroom and completing introductory work at home actually increases class time spend on mastering content and ultimately standards. Another point brought up was about parents supervising homework time or not. I think this is a time to teach student responsibility, regardless of age. Homework is homework. If a student has homework, it is ultimately up to them to complete it. The teacher can assist with this by increasing and encouraging intrinsic (and maybe extrinsic for younger students) motivation. It would also be the teacher's responsibility to provide differentiated assignments when necessary. I think we need to have confidence in our students' abilities to complete the requirements of a flipped classroom-- at home.

Ashley Weeks


1 point

Although never having participated in a flipped classroom, on either end, I loved reading about the wealth of benefits that come from a flipped classroom. A flipped classroom allows for the teacher and learners' time to be maximized. By having students engage in lectures at home, they come to class prepared to dialogue, complete activities, and engage in meaningful collaboration to deepen understanding. The flipped classroom allows for natural differentiation as students can pause, rewind, fast forward, and complete lectures in a time that works for them. During class time, the teacher can then spend his or her time individualizing instruction based upon learner needs. The teacher does not have to waste valuable class time lecturing on new content. Students gain ownership and responsibility, as their breadth and depth of knowledge comes from what they bring to the table in accordance with the mentorship of the teacher. The repurposing of class time highly benefits all that are involved. In the age of digital literacy, this is yet another tool to help our students gain authentic learning experiences, which they will take with them in the future. It is hard for me to see any cons to the flipped classroom.

Ashley Weeks


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