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RSS Bahhumbug

Reward Points:5
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I recommend you get sober or take a happy pill and stop debating with high schoolers who can form better thoughts then you.

1 point

This is a high school debate, for a history class, anyone not in it like yourself is banned and anyone else floating in here and reading this don't bother typing you are not a high school student and need to find something else to busy yourself with that interrupting out education activity.

Thank you

1 point

First of all its not in the constitution itself, its simply an amendment, i think you should read about what your talking about before you go and time up and argument on it.

Here is the a the direct quote

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

In oder for the state to be secure we cannot have deadly weapons used for looks like they are some new type of hot wheels made for fun and looks. Your constitutional right is to keep and bare arms, not guns, and for the safety of the state and all in it we need to take away simple dangers for citizens, cause eventually we need to stop playing with hot wheels and grow up.

1 point

"Guns are needed for self defense." Ive heard this so many times reading peoples pro-gun-rights stories, so to start of this argument against such a childish idea, let me give you a real and recent example.

Saturday, October 10, 2009,

Associated Press

"Right now everything points to a tragic accident," Police Chief Kevin Brunelle told The Associated Press, adding investigators were awaiting forensic results.

John Tabutt, 62, told investigators he got his gun when he thought he heard an intruder, then fired at a figure in the hallway, according to Brunelle. It was Tabutt's live-in fiancee, 62-year-old Nancy Dinsmore, who family members say he was going to marry Saturday. Tabutt told authorities he thought she was next to him in bed the whole time."


At this time please click the link at the bottom of this page and view the news video of the tragic 911 call. If you dont want to view the video, dont bother reading this.


Its traumatic accidents like that, that prove why using guns for defense, is dangerous no matter what. If that man had just tased the "intruder" they could still be alive and happily married. Some people may call this a one time accident, but people think of guns almost by default as necessary to self-defense. Infact all of the people "for" gun-rights used that idea and phrased it as the only way. But in no way is something as deadly as that gun, the only way.

Our school is a gun free environment, or better phrased, has gun control. Do students feel safe? Yes, because guns are not allowed so the fear of being shot is alot less. Could a gun be entered into a school? Yes but if it was fired, we have designated lockdown drills we have practiced and one schools shooting kills lots less then if we were to have guns everyday.

Think of america as an environment with guns available everyday. Imagine how many lives would be taken due to anger or other temporary emotional disabilities.

We cant keep amusing the worst of everyone around us. "They have guns, so we need guns as well to protect ourselves." Two wrongs like in that statement do not make a right. If everyone had gun control, wed have a "school" type of environment and while "schools shootings" or gun use in a gun-controlled setting would still occur, its much, much less then if we were all having guns on ourselves as "Defense".

We have come to a time when technology and idealisms are advancing, so should our policy on gun control. Self defense should just keep one safe, not kill off other humans. Innocent ones like a wife to be, or a robber who is just down on his luck. They are fellow humans, we shouldn't even get the change to flick and finger and fire a bullet at them. Especially when something as common as pepper spray and your pet rottweiler could keep you safer.

Supporting Evidence: 911 Call (
2 points

Guns dont need a rule book, people need to be trained in what they are using and most citizen have never taken a gun safety course. People do have rights but they should not have the right to end someones life because they were scared the MIGHT loose their own, and thats the self defense argument. If you wanna feel safe there are so many less barbaric and deadly options then a gun. We are humans, not deer. If you pepper spray and tase an intruder, what more can they do? They cant see or they cant shoot you and they are still alive. We do have a free country, we should make it safe too.

1 point

I feel like im repeating myself. But to simplify what ive been saying, if the government had gun control they would start out with the high risk people such as criminals and work their way down. Not having guns would be an overall safer environment. A common environment like this is school. Some people argue that there are still school shootings and this is true and also related to your idea of "its just how things work." While their are school shooting they are vary rare, just like america would be if we didnt have guns. Schools also are prepared, remember doing those lock down drills? Our country would prepare us the same way. School shootings cause far less deaths then if schools were aloud on a daily bases to everyone (like america now). We should leave guns to the professionals and if we need to feel safe, we should protect ourselves without killing someone else.

2 points

The bill of rights does not state the an individual citizen has their own right to have their own gun, id read up on that before making that statement. People who live in a bad neighbor hood can move, or live in a protected shelter if moving is not an option. People who consider a neighborhood unsafe often think so because of guns. I myself often think "someones gonna come out and shoot me" when walking through bad neighborhoods. If citizens didn't have guns, that would make everyone feel that much safer. In unsafe neighborhoods, there would be one less worry of not getting hurt by some irresponsible citizen with a gun.

2 points

The about 80% of the "general public" dont even know a thing about gun safety. Although i agree that criminals should not possess guns, at least most of them know how to use it. Citizens trying to protect themselves should use something that wont kill people with a flick of a finger. Pepper spray can blind, tasers will stop someone wherever they stand, guns click and kill.

I said this in jacobs dispute, but if people were the ones killing people then it wouldnt matter if there was a gun involved.

Umm heres a visual

Person+Gun= -Person

(A person with a gun kills a person)

Take out the gun cause your saying its not its fault...


If the gun wasnt responsible, and its the persons fault, then it wouldnt matter if the gun was there or not. But infact it makes quite the difference.

Your point about criminals finding illegal guns is just like illegal guns, something just cant be completely erased. But saying outlawing them would make gun rate increase cause they are illegal makes no logical sense. Take a place like school, we have no guns here, and in cases where shootings happen, its much less then i would be if people had guns everyday. Same goes for a biggerscale like the USA. We also have all been trained with the lock down drill, and im certain the government would issue something like that as well.

The people behind the guns "defending" themselves are just as trigger happy as any intruder. To just say guns should be aloud because criminals have them, is childish and we need to age past barbaric murder caused by guns.

1 point

This comment should be under brads statement, but to dispute. Timing may just be a statement but the guns are still the main focus. Guns shouldnt be allow because the defenders want to shoot just as much as the intruders. I think i covered this in more detail when i explained the pros of having citizens being gun free.

Even "If criminals keep their guns",(if we were to confiscate all guns) " they wont be able to use them. If no one had a gun in an area and one single shot was heard, the whole area would be on alert for that one shot and the gun would get confiscated. In countries like great britan where there is strict gun control, this happens all the time.

If we just assume its useless cause we have some criminals and just have to bare arms to balance it out then its just twice as dangerous, two lefts don't make a right.

Anyone that is considered a "criminal" is on record by the US government and will be searched before the citizens for that reason. The government is smart enough to realize that criminals would have guns, its not something thats just overlooked."

2 points

Even if a background check is preformed and comes out clean, most americans have no history of gun safety. Also, though americans may be "law abiding" they still are animals and have natural reactions, there is NO human alive that hasnt been startled before or scared. Its those feelings that provoke gun use as a defense in the first place. If you want defense against intruders, try a home alarm system, a loud barking dog will even warn you without killing someone. If you want to stop someone, use another form of defense like a taser. Some people may say, but what if they have a gun? If there was gun control, that couldnt be the case, yes there will always be violent people, but without guns there would be less dead people. At school no one has a gun, its just how it is, and in the cases where one was entered into the environment, there was a set plan to stay safe and the deaths are obviously lower from that event, then they would be if guns were aloud daily. Guns make room for emotional mistakes and kill the need for restraint.

I do think gun control will help this country and i am not mistaken. If criminals keep their guns, they wont be able to use them. Why? People if no one had a gun in an area and one single shot was heard, the whole area would be on alert for that one shot and the gun would get confiscated. In countries like great britan where there is strict gun control, this happens all the time. If we just assume its useless cause we have some criminals and just have to bare arms to balance it out then its just twice as dangerous, two lefts don't make a right.

Anyone that is considered a "criminal" is on record by the US government and will be searched before the citizens for that reason. The government is smart enough to realize that criminals would have guns, its not something thats just overlooked.

Winning Position: For

About Me

"Natasha Hopins with the user name Bahhumbug because i do not like forum and debate sitess like this >:( so for the record...bahhumbug and grrr to you!"

Biographical Information
Name: Natasha Hopkins
Gender: Lady
Age: 29
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Political Party: Other
Country: United States
Postal Code: 97035
Religion: Wiccan
Education: High School

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