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RSS Bburkhalter1

Reward Points:3
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

It doesn't matter if they get bullied or not! They should have the right to be who they are and not be forced to pretend they are someone other than who they really are. America was founded on the idea of being able to be who you are with being persecuted or punished for it! It's not right and it needs to be fixed period. You wouldn't say that if your black in the military you should have to wear a mask and skin coverings similar to that of a caucasian persons would you?

2 points

People in the Military don't need to be straight, they just need to know how to shoot straight

1 point

This is actually a false statistic. Straight people account for over 2x the amount of std's in the world than that of gay people. Yes it does say in the bible that homosexuality is wrong. But in the same book of the bible it says every time a female has her period she must go out and slaughter a goat and bring its' head to the alter to have herself cleansed, if this procedure is not followed the women will be ceremoniously uncleansed, and therefore intercourse with an uncleansed women is a detestable act. Do you or your spouse do this everytime you or she has their period? I don't believe you do

1 point

I believe it should be legalized because love is something homosexuals, bisexuals, and straight people in this world all experience. You say that gays shouldn't be able to get married because marriage is something special for just a man and a woman, but I've seen many of those types of marriages ending in divorced, or they are just getting married to inherit their spouses wealth. Does that sound like what you argue is the sanctity of marriage? I believe anyone should be able to get married in this country because this is America. Civil Unions and marriages are very different. Those who beg to differ I have one question, want to trade your marriage for my civil union?? I didn't think you would.

2 points

You are clearly what most consider to be a textbook bible thumper. Yes it does say in the bible that homosexuality is wrong. But in the same book of the bible it says every time a female has her period she must go out and slaughter a goat and bring its head to the alter to have herself cleansed, if this procedure is not followed the women will be ceremoniously uncleansed, and therefore intercourse with an uncleansed women is a detestable act. Do you or your spouse do this everytime you or she has their period? I don't believe you do

1 point

I believe it should be legalized because love is something homosexuals, bisexuals, and straight people in this world all experience. You say that gays shouldn't be able to get married because marriage is something special for just a man and a woman, but I've seen many of those types of marriages ending in divorced, or they are just getting married to inherit their spouses wealth. Does that sound like what you argue is the sanctity of marriage? I believe anyone should be able to get married in this country because this is America. Civil Unions and marriages are very different. Those who beg to differ I have one question, want to trade your marriage for my civil union?? I didn't think you would.

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