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RSS Belbinjam

Reward Points:10
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9 points

By: James Belbin

Plastic Water bottles are made from crude oil that contains toxic chemicals once that is drawing some concern is BPA. BPA is a chemical that is produced from oil and used in bottle water companies to create the polycarbonate bottle. This chemical in repetitive studies has shown to alter the hormones in the bodies of many animals, humans and rats a like. BPA when it alters the hormones in your body many things can happen, your hormones control how your body works, and reacts to new situations. The BPA Chemical in these studies has shown studies to increase obesity in young children and teens by slowing down their metabolism, in many occurrences BPA has been the cause of cancer tumors in lab experiments on rats and mice. In recent years the number of children that have contracted diabetes has increased, similar enough the bottle water out is has increased too, combined with water scares that say the tap water is bad, many mother are feeding their children with bottle water instead of tap water. In a study in 1995 done by a British research team, found that children who had been diagnosed with Diabetes had high levels of BPA in their blood around the time they were diagnosed. The researchers had concluded that the BPA chemical was to blame for the children’s contraction of this disease.

Another point to add is not all plastics are made with the use of BPA, Plastics are classified in different levels 1-7. Plastics objects made with recycle-ability of 1-5 are made with very very small amounts of BPA, nothing to be worried about, but water bottles are made with 6 and 7 levels. When a bottle is made with 6 and 7 the BPA chemicals are not removed from the plastics during the processing unlike 1-5 which the chemicals are burned off. The bottles are safe for a small period of time after processing, but after a few weeks the BPA chemicals start to seep into the water, which is then drank by consumers. In conclusion BPA is being consumed by many people world wide everyday from drinking water from a bottle, predicted by researchers: in the next 10-15 years the world will be suffering from numerous health problems.<693::AID-DIA412>3.0.CO;2-T/abstract 1096-9136(199708)14:8<693::AID-DIA412>3.0.CO;2-T/abstract) (for research studies and statistics)

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