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RSS Bobbyjohn

Reward Points:44
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

umm I guess I kinda see where your coming from on how what I said is similar to what you said. I like how you judged my perspective :) So are you saying countries that do not approve of greener improvements to their countries are egocentric? The countries do not want more greener solutions because it will negatively impact the present citizens jobs and other aspects about their lives. The countries are caring about the present people. What do you have to say about that? are they being egocentric? hmmm?

1 point

If you can force yourself to like someone then that means 'true love' does not exist.

1 point

But if that is true doesn't that mean that you can fall in love with anybody ... and everybody? and if you fall in love with everybody then 'true love' does not exist.

1 point

You can fall in love with anyone if you were willing to look past their flaws or think of their flaws as something that are advantages. Anyone with the right perspective can fall in love with anyone.

1 point

First off to address your other comment, what does a movie have to do with this?

Secondly, to say Cassie Anthony had 'true love' for her child that is why she killed her child to stop her child from enduring the pain that she puts on the child does not make sense because if 'true love' existed why did not Cassie just act out of that 'true love' in the first place? why? because it does not exist.

If perhaps she later got 'true love' for her baby then decided to kill her, that is simply to avoid any drama for beating her kids. If she had an insight and 'true love' is real then she would have gave the baby to parents that would have loved her. Cassie killed her baby for herself not out of any insight of 'true love'. <--- that's what i believe though she is let go with a not guilty verdict.

1 point

I agree with her, the idea of attaining 'true love' drives some people crazy and when they do think they finally attained it they are really attached to that person. Not that being overly attached is a bad thing but it affects one's judgement for sure

1 point

i can think of two words to change your opinion on that.... : Cassie Anthony

1 point

Yea i understand what you are saying, even now some teachers don't really know what they are teaching half of the time lol

1 point

Yes the definition of a student is someone who is studying a field/topic and exams test if the student actually learned the content. But in the real world the perfect scenario are students who can learn the material but be able to apply it to some degree. Most times students don't get the chance to apply the knowledge on exams.

But i think truly learning a topic/field is understanding the terms and having the knowledge on the field but it is also to branch out and make connections of the field with other topics , i think this is true learning and hence i believe exams are not the best way to determine the best students.

Check my argument under the No side and you will see what alternative i thought of.

bobbyjohn(44) Clarified
1 point

The question should be a thinking question as well something that requires a bit of creativity. And maybe the student can get about 20 minutes to prepare the answer alone in the room to the teacher.

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