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RSS Caisharie

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
2 points

I don't trust either of them. I think that they will both raise taxes or better put...I think they will be forced to raise taxes. The sooner people wake up & realze that in our day and age the president is just a political puppet & the presidential elections are just distractions which get the American people talking & debating about mostly non-issues while the shadow government is at work enslaving us even more.

So, I have to say....taxes? Are you kidding? Of course they want more of your money! Americans, I beg of you to wake up! Demorans or Republicrats! Please realize that both of these men are NOT able to really face up to the fact that our economy is in major crisis & they don't have any original answers to give us. They will have to go to the "experts" (whoever that is) just like their predecessor did & tell us what they think we want to hear.

And to stay on this point regarding originality I don't think George Washington had a speech writer. Come on! I want to be proud to vote for someone that can speak coherently, think on his/her feet, and be able to play hardball with the likes of Jon Stewart ( :>) ! Basically, I want someone who is human just like you & me who doesn't taut mantras or use slogans to hype up the people, but someone that can speak in plain English so that voting Americans from the most intelligent among us to the more feeble minded can understand the message of FREEDOM!

1 point

:) This is in response to the "I guess though if you wanna ban sexist video games...." comment.

I am a woman, but sometimes, I swear that the female sex (in the mainstream hub) do not possess brains, but believe that they do. Please all those wonderful government schools out there TEACH LOGIC FOR A CHANGE! Don't just push feminism down all of our throats. There ARE differences between men and women & we each have amazingly different roles in which we are to fulfil. Stop making EVERYTHING an issue for the feminist agenda!

2 points

Where do you draw the line (8 months)? Why 8 months? If we are a "continuim" than why can't it be 9 months gestation or even 1 day old?

With your strain of logic the whole issue of pro choice becomes even more subjective than before. You are saying that you are autonomous & you can decide when life really begins for you and I can decide for me. There are even schools of thought out there (google it) that believe that a woman should have 30 days after she gives birth to decide whether or not she wants to abort.

And, furthermore why would you concede that abortion in the last trimester is considered murder? By what standard can you make such a claim? Why is murder wrong? You could appeal to the fact it is written in our laws that murder is a crime, but where did that come from? I would encourage you & anyone (pro-life or pro choice) to really study the beliefs & standards your very founding fathers stood upon. The very reason that we can have this debate rests on a freedom that was handed down to us. The very least we owe those that have gone before us is to study & listen to their reasons for establishing this nation. I guarantee you that they believed we all have a soul.

One last comment & I'll be through.....if we don't have a soul then we do not have a real hope. This topic is a completely different debate, but I believe that as our culture embraces your line of thinking more & more (that we do not have a soul) we will become more & more obsessed with youth & become so self obsorbed to the point that we will no longer procreate b/c of our own hopelessness. Just a thought....

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