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RSS Cavaleiro

Reward Points:1
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3 points

-1st: about possessing and accessing child porn

Yes, accessing child pornography contributes to that more children be abused, because the only reason why this kind of content is distributed is due to the fact that there are people who consume it!

So, if there is consumption, that's because there is demand, and if there is demand, then more children should be abused in order to produce more content! (that's a basic lesson of Economy... you people, missing the Math classes, huh?)

In other words, accessing and possessing child pornography MAKE MORE CHILDREN BE ABUSED, even if you will never known these poor kids personally! (and sometimes you know, and that's disgusting...)

-2nd: about the shitty argument "Childhood is a construction of the society"

if the childhood is actually a construction of the society and Christianity, as some people like to say and want to we believe, WHY THE HELL WE DON'T DECONSTRUCT THE CHILDHOOD? HUH???

C'mon, let your children alone, homeless, careless, say to them "You are a society construction, so get the fuck out of here, and just return when you get employed!"...

Huh, c'mon, let's do this, right?! RIGHT?!

I really doubt that you people would like to be treated like adults when you were children!

The problem with our society is that we want to see our kids as "mini-adults", reflecting to the children everything (the problems, the issues, and specifically the problems!) that belongs to the ADULT LIFE, and JUST TO THE ADULT LIFE! In a materialist attempt to make children more "productive" and less "expensive", we are killing the only good thing that the humanity has to offer: THE INNOCENCE OF OUR KIDS!

Is necessary to take care about what we say and do, how to say and do, and in what circumstances say or do the things to the kids, because, even if the children aren't stupid brats as some idiot conservatives believes and wants that we believe, kids are in stage of formation, physically and psychologically. We don't want (at least I don't want!) that the kids becomes a bunch of rapists and genociders in the future, I'm right?

-3rd: about having sex with kids and about their maturity

I will ask you a question: If the children really have maturity to know what to do with their own bodies, WHY THE HELL is it necessary for parents to take care of the children, taking care of their food, bathing, clothing, education, moral and ethic formation, habitation, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc and ETC??? If children can be mature enough to have sex with adults, why they can not be mature to work, act politically, fight in wars, pay for purchases or anything else?

I have the answer for this question:

thats because they AREN'T mature and autonomous enough to do these things! At least not without taking psychological and physical harms, and stopping of being children... Michael Jackson did so much things when he was a kid, but look for what happened with Michael...

Even if a child has sexual feelings and desires, they aren't mature enough to have sex with adults, because an adult will expect things from the kids that they aren't prepared to do, and adults will affect the sexual behavior of the children in a manner to which they are not ready! Sex is a natural thing of the human life, but, exactly because it is natural, it should be explored by children without the interference and the pressures of a adult asking for such things as anal sex, bestiality, and even BDSM! (really, that's really fucked up...)

The children are sexual beings (YES, they are, because they are humans as any of us), but they don't experience those things in the same way as the adults do... adults creates fantasies and deviances about sex that aren't even possible to be realized, and a kid can suffer so much harm in the hands of these "dreamers"...

Of course, parents should respect the tastes of children, and must respect their sexuality (for example, in matters relating to homosexuality, they should understand that it is a natural thing), and explain some things about sexuality to them, helping children to understand themselves and letting them discover their own body... but, it should be clear that the ADULTS (yes, the adults, these race of sons of a bitch) must be responsible, because THE CHILDHOOD MUST BE RESPECTED!

Everything to the children is their first time: tastes, smells, feelings, and sex as well. Children are educated to trust in adults, because adults are experienced and can help kids in the troubles of the life. Furthermore, the kids feels safely and protected when someone which is physically stronger and have more acknowledge about the world seems to care about them (even if this "someone" trade sex with the kid for all this care and protection). And that are some reasons why kids let these "adults" do these kind of things to them. So, even if you can convince a kid to do something, even if that thing is consensual, this can be very harmful and traumatic to them (or not, but any of you really want to give it a try?), even if the kids seems to enjoy those things, even if they have pleasure, because kids DON'T HAVE THE MATURITY TO MAKE DECISIONS TO THEIR LIFES! Even some adults don't have maturity, so what expect from the kids?

Those things that early looks to be "funny" and "cool", later can affect negatively the children for their entire lifes! Kids can be sexually attracted and can have sexual pleasure, because they have feelings and they have sensible parts in their body that can be stimulated, as in any humans, and even against their will, they can feel sexual pleasure, and they can ask for more, and they can repeat this for years, but...

I will remember you of one important thing, my friends: VICTIMS OF RAPE CAN FEEL SEXUAL PLEASURE DURING THE RAPE TOO, in the same way as in any sexual relations, BUT, as we all know, RAPE ISN'T A GOOD THING TO DO! I'm right?

We all know that users of Marijuana can "feels good" and "high", but we all know that Marijuana, like Tobacco cigarettes, can causes Pulmonary Cancer, right?

And we all know that accelerate your car to 160 km/h on a road of 80 km/h is exciting and activates the Adrenaline at your body, making you "feels good", but we also know that you can run over someone, or you may lose control and overturn the car, or hit a tree or another car, consequently dying. Right???

Not because something make you "feels good" that it is actually good! If you want to experiment those things and want to fuck with your life or with someone else's life, do it at your own risk. But if there are laws, they exists for some reason, and I believe that there's a good one: protect the life, physically and psychologically, at the earlier age!

I'm right?

P.s.: I'm a anti-contact pedo, and I was abused by other boy when I was younger, so I know what about I'm talking... because I am my own source!!!

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