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RSS Choccolover

Reward Points:2
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

Both politicians and celebrities have to accept that their private choices matter to the public because they are no longer living privately, but very publicly on public money. It is a sacrifice they have made for the fame and fortune that they are guaranteed with when they make the crucial decision to commit to such a job.

3 points

Even though it is often argued that there is no need for public figures to account for their private activities as long as they perform in their jobs, what they do in private inevitably matters as it would not only create a lasting impact on the society, but also when it breaks the law. Performance at work does not exempt anyone from obeying the laws of the land, and public figures still have to account for their actions without shrinking from the responsibility. This is especially true with the high corruption cases involving national leaders such as former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and Taiwan’s former President Chan Shui Bian prove. Despite their positions as high profile public figures, their actions in private still calls for state punishment, forcing them to account for such undesirable actions. To ensure that the public upkeeps the confidence towards the court, believing in its impartiality and justice, public figures have to account for their private actions, especially illegal ones, regardless of how well they excel in their jobs.

7 points

With technological advances in the past few decades, innovations such as the Internet allows us to access information all around the world. We have taken pride in how well informed we are, which at the same time guarantees an increase in the transparency of the private lives of public figures. The actions of public figures yield a huge influence over society as the media finds its role in exploiting the private lives of these people. Inevitably, we have developed an unhealthy obsession with the lifestyles of public figures, especially those of celebrities. In the recent years, the fan base of celebrity magazines and tabloid newspapers has grown exponentially and still going strong. According to Romania-insider,the tabloid Libertatea, with 1.25 million readers each issue, occupies the first place in the readership of print media in Romania, showing our noxious and unflagging obsession with the private lives of celebrities and other public figures. With the troubling widespread influence of public figures in our society, it is of upmost importance that they are held accountable for their private actions, as immoral and destructive actions that they engage in will no doubt sway the mindsets of the public, especially the impressible youth, who are the greatest market for celebrity orientated media. Hence, public figures have to be held responsible for their unacceptable behavior even in private, as their lifestyles are made known to many across the globe, and would play a major role in influencing the mindsets of the world should they not be responsible and account for their private actions. Due to their massive influence over todays society, public figures should be held accountable for their public actions.

4 points

The introduction of technology in farming practices, even though not that ideal at that time (due to poor manufacturing, the tractors frequently broke down), helped to pave a foundation and revamped how the Russians view farming. This would benefit their agricultural industry in the long run, as people are more acceptance and aware of the ways they could use technology to farm more efficiently.

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