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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

I would just like to add that there are those who are still afraid of using a computer so this may not apply to them. Those individuals are of the belief that if they touch the computer it would "spoil" or "mash up". There are those teachers who are also "Well seasoned" and don't need to " learn new tricks" because they are "on their way out" so they would not use the tech to the benefit of the student. Therefore the tech may not be easy for them to learn.

1 point

One of the problems with blogs is that it is usually opinion based rather than fact based. Wikis usually have peer assessment to verify if data is accurate whereas with the blog there is usually only one moderator and they would have potential biases. So in that case blogs have the potential to be biased where as the wiki may not be as prone to bias

1 point

I would also agree with using both in the classroom. For the purpose of assessment, the teacher can use a wiki and have the students add their input as authors. The link to the wiki can be placed on the Classroom Blog where the teacher would be the administrator and have the students comment on the posts. By using wikis for group projects it would foster a collaborative learning approach and lends itself to constructivism. Imagine giving a group of students an assignment to develop a wiki. The students would develop that wiki and other students around the world can see the work of other students. The teacher can have a main blog which would contain questions or post for tips on doing the assignment etc.

1 point

Well said Gissele, and as we all know the internet is full of "trolls" and other malicious individuals who are out to just frustrate and annoy others.

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