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RSS Cmh0114

Reward Points:5
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

The same as you can drink and smoke without having a health issue, so you can be obese without a health issue.

Eh, dead wrong. Obesity is a health issue (no matter whether pre-existing or not), and smoking/drinking causes health issues. Just because they aren't immediately apparent doesn't mean they aren't there. I won't look at my credit card bill this month, therefore I don't have a credit bill. Smoking has been proven to cause all sorts of cancer, as well as yellowed teeth and asthma. Drinking alcohol has been proven to cause cirrhosis of the liver, and it messes up your body even when you aren't drunk. It slows your heart rate and releases chemicals into the brain that shouldn't be found in those concentrations, to name a few.

And, obviously, if you smoke, you're a bigger risk to the health care system, so you should pay more! The higher your risk is for a hospital visit, the more you take out of the collective budget for health care. Therefore, you should pay more for it. It's only logical.

2 points

Using your logic, I'm going to go out and drink at a bar, buy some cigarettes, and have sex with a hooker tonight. I'm 16, but that stuff shouldn't be illegal for me. If it is, it's discrimination. Just because I'm of a different age group doesn't mean I should be treated differently. I want some cigarettes!

Discrimination is not a catch-all. Legally, it is applicable to gender and race, nothing more. Otherwise, I could take a case to the Supreme Court that I am being discriminated against based on my age, because a store clerk would not allow me to buy cigarettes or beer.

If obesity is from a pre-existing condition, they shouldn't have to pay more. However, if they cannot prove that their weight (obesity is 30+% over the ideal BMI) is caused by a health condition, it can be assumed that it is caused by too much eating and too little exercise. People like that are much more apt to end up in the hospital. If it's a national health care system, that means that we, the people, pay for each time they go into the hospital, with nothing out of their pocket. There are a lot of obese people in the U.S. If they suddenly get free health care, watch out! There will be a lot of money coming out of your pocket. They're taking more out, so of course they should put more in. It's simple equity. If you take out a lot of money, you should put back just as much.

3 points

There should be a disarmament, but we shouldn't completely abolish nukes. If we abolish them, one group or country could build them in secret, and the rest of the world would be screwed. If the UN kept a small assortment on nuclear missiles, the rogue countries would think twice before attacking anyone with their nukes, because the UN would have more nukes, bigger nukes, and the rogue country would be screwed.

2 points

If Christianity is the best explanation, then why are there so many contradictions in the Bible? In Genesis, Cain is sent expelled, and then meets other people outside of his family. Given that at that time, according to the Bible, there were four people (Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel)(three, after Abel was killed), how were there other people? And he doesn't just meet one person, he meets families of several members, larger than his family. The Bible never mentions God creating other people.

In Revelations, the mountains flee into the sky. It's not that I can't believe that, because (assuming that there is a God and s/he is all-powerful) that wouldn't be much for God to accomplish. What I can't understand is how God can remove the mountains again, from a completely flat plain.

Given the amount of errors and contradictions in the Bible, of which two are given above, I have to say that Christianity is not the best explanation of God's existence.

2 points

*Note: I'm just taking this side because I love to debate. ;)

Most people on the Internet don't like to debate. They like to argue, and there is a difference. A debate has specific rules and procedures that are followed. On the Internet, these rules are bent (e.g. instead of having a strict one-point, one-counterpoint system, people just post to whichever side they believe is right, regardless of the number of counter/points. A debate also is a joint effort between two parties of opposing views to try to help each other in understanding something. In an argument, each side is arguing to prove that their point, and only their point, is correct. No one likes to be proved wrong, and it is so much easier to deny your loss when you never have to show your face. There are many people on the Internet who love to debate. That's why this site is here. However, the vast majority of people love to bicker and argue. Just look at any Youtube comments. People don't try to understand each other; they just try to undermine each other.

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