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RSS Comasense

Reward Points:20
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

In a perfect world ..maybe...But You base that on that politicians are always doing what is best... that is completely false..Politicians(all men)are very susceptible to greed and erroneous capitalism...It is when these people do harm and do not stand accountable that the people see the hypocrisy in our government...Kinda like a man that steals to feed his family goes to prison, but a wall street banker conspires illegally to gain millions to add to his many and gets a warning..or a bonus...or i guess maybe a pay cut...People are more informed now and that kinda behavior is seen to have know benefit to society....

1 point

Telling people what to believe or not to believe or getting upset with people for that will never solve is just a band-aid..whether you are a homosexual, atheist, Muslim, any religion, any political view, you should have the right to believe in whatever you would like...But the WHOLE Problem Is when the anger begins...When you try to enforce your beliefs with harm to another because of judgment...If Christians believe homosexuality is a sin then fine...But it is not their duty to judge or punish said by god...and a true Christian would understand that...But Christians should not be judged or criticized for not believing in homosexuality either...and should be able to say out loud without harm..

2 points

Athiest, agnostic, christian, tree, grass, desk, dvd, teleivison, the letter a, the number 1...all man made labels with man made definitions....but truth remains...with what knowledge are we born with? either godly or instinct or just blank....what would we become with no teachings of god at all?

comasense(20) Clarified
3 points

And that is where christians make their biggest mistakes by charging others with hypocracy and not dealing with their own...Its an old game called the "blame game" or "I know you are but what am I" excuse..Look at them and not at me...just because you can point out that other people are close minded does not mean you are not...

2 points

I think atheists are no less or more close minded than any other religion...Their stance on god could either be "there is no god" (closed) or their may be a god but I do not know"(open) thought is open minded and the other is closed minded...That still does NOT exclude Christians from being close minded...It is entirely different..they both can be..

1 point

well, shouldnt this be common knowledge?...................................

comasense(20) Clarified
1 point how does religion come about?...and If that is true...then is religion just man made? and if what you say is true (which I believe to be true) then why is this not taught?

1 point

I think this argument is at the core of every argument...especially any religious debate...If we are not born with godly knowledge or belief..what would believe? or grow into? This has to be the start were we begin thought...Every human thought usually is built off another humans thought....thats how we have progressed into civilizations...I'm sure we are born with animistic instincts but is that the bottom line?

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comasense(20) Clarified
2 points

also I say "especially Christians" only because It is the most wide used religion around the world...and many people practice it in different ways...

2 points

Compared to what and who? All religious groups are bound by religion to be close minded...And almost all are hypocrites...especially Christians...I myself am 33 and have been to many Christian Church's and met many people and none have lived by the Christian law...But this is not their fault..society today is at fault..the teachings of today are all simply self serving..all Church's that were first assembled were not for worship but for helping the hungry,homeless and was originally a support system for anyone who needed its just another exclusive club paid for by members with money to feel good about oneself...we submit to our own environments, knowledge and only willingness and new knowledge can bring you toward another view..we can only learn what were taught unless you have contact with outside sources and other views.....we are not born with this kind of knowledge...

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Winning Position: what knowledge are humans born with?...If they never have contact with anyone and age..

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