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RSS Cpoandkej123

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
2 points

i think that it should be, partly because you know that most teenagers are going to have sex at a young age and when they are together, the boy might be a year older then the girl or vice versa and either party could get in trouble, so i really do think that would be best.

1 point

uhh, you have to see it from a womens point of view. if you are totally in love with someone you shouldn't do anything to hurt them. sure if they hit you, push them... but not so hard that they get bruises. thats just wrong. and especially since men are so much stronger than women.

1 point

i think it depends on what kind of crime they commit. if they murder someone or do somthing crazy like that than no, they should not be alowed to. But if all they do is shoplift or something minor like that, then yes, after they get out that should not be held against them.

2 points

I do not believe that kids should be forced to take a drug test, in public schools so many kids do it. i know first hand because i smoked weed when i was a teenager and to be honest, i liked it. so if they want to make teens get drug tested, they should probably get parent permission.

1 point

if it was wrong, they would not give it to you at the HOSPITAL... and it has not ever effected anyone I've known in a negative way. after you have tried it, then say something about it.

5 points

i am torn between believing in him and not having faith. in one case, you have to think; where did the world come from and how did we get here if no one put us here. but on the other hand, we look at all the bad things that happen to Haiti, the children there and the same in Chile. and we also look at these little innocent children that are getting cancer and tumors, and they have done nothing.

therefore, i am on the boarder of believing and not.

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