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RSS Dagirlz

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

Though many say that there is no proof to creationism but yet so much for evolution but yet is there really. Can you not say that scientist are just humans like all the people who believe in evolution and that they may have it all wrong because none of us are perfect . People say that the bible is not real but what if the scientist stories, theories, facts wrong? I know that evolution is not real. But if it is:

Why are monkeys not all evolved?

Who created the Big Bang and where did it come from?

Why do we all have a curiosity if there is a God?

Why do we live on this Earth?

Why would the bible be wrong?

How can a bang create such a complex cell?

Why do we have a knowing of right and wrong but not monkeys?

Why do most people believe in the true Easter story but yet believe in evolution?

There are many more questions that could be asked but if you can answer all these questions than wow you must be supernatural but if you can't you might want to look into reading the bible or try checking out the site it might give people that can't decide which side to choose some answers.

2 points

NONE they are both horrible and if you want to live a great fufilled life you won't do either. Plus don't swear they are plenty other words in the dictionary and no im not some little kid.

1 point

Of coarse there real why would you even ask this. Dodos have been alive forever and man go downtown, visit some guys house and he sells them. I have one his name is feather bum and i love him a lot but yes he does poop white crap. Thats all i gotta say bout that. P.S. my dodo had babies u can buy them on ebay for 500 $$$$ :)

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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