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RSS Dw1shin

Reward Points:8
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8 most recent arguments.
1 point

If people study abroad, people would gain a higher

feasibility to gain experience of different teaching cultures.

Eventually, people would have a easier time to study abroad afterwords.

Also, there are many students having problems with the teaching system in their


1 point

Although the use of Nuclaer energy may seem a concern to only a small group of people

it should in fact concern anyone who cares about the lack of resources.

Ultimately what is at stake here is that nuclear energy is a part of renewable energy

1 point

There are lot of rumors going around the world that Earth would

destroy in 2012. However, it's just ridiculous.

By looking at ancient scrolls and written documents, it's not 100% sure that the earth would destroy in 2012. Also, it has been proved that Earth will destroy about 4.5 billion years from now because the sun will become a Red Giant. Science vs Myth= Science wins

2 points

Although social networking sites may have bad profiles,

it also contains good features.

Ultimately, what is at stake here is that social networking sites give opportunities for people to speak out loud simultaneously guaranteeing the anonymity of the person.

Furthermore, it provides a chance for people to introduce themselves to the world and make friends and relationships between people around the world.

1 point

Even criminals committed serious crimes,

people should not forget the fact that they are part of a countries citizen.

The governments role is to protect and guarantee their CITIZENS RIGHTS

By prohibiting criminals right to vote, it means that the government is not doing

its obligation properly.

1 point

As everybody knows, Steroids are drugs

Taking drugs for Competition= CHEATING


1 point

There are tons of important things existing in this world

If to pick the most important thing, would it be Sense of Humor?

How about Knowledge or modesty etc.?

Sense of Humor is important who desires it

0 points

Computer games harm the human body both Physically and mentally.

It not only makes People get addicted but also causes serious physical problems

such as obesity. It may sound silly however it is a proved fact

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