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RSS Eerere

Reward Points:10
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

Junk food


its bad and makes you look like Brum from league of legend ...............................

3 points

Atlantic Madrid is good

and i love my friends ............................

1 point

Naah (IDK)

Samsung is mach better than apple because it has many features and u can download free apps

1 point

study in school is the best way to study


1 point

I am not one of those dog lovers who thinks cats are aloof, selfish and overly independent.

3 points

of course atletico its better than madrid .........................

1 point

Are dogs really better than cats? If pressed to choose, I will say that I am a "dog person." I have always loved dogs and cannot imagine life without at least one dog to follow me around, hog the bed and smother me with wet kisses. This being said, I am a lover of all animals and a definite cat fancier. I am also a cat owner who adores her sweet kitties. It is certainly hard for me to imagine life without the soft purrs, biscuit-making and gentle head butting. However, if I had to make a choice to live with only one species, the dog would be the winner (just don't tell this to my cats

1 point

Are dogs really better than cats? If pressed to choose, I will say that I am a "dog person." I have always loved dogs and cannot imagine life without at least one dog to follow me around, hog the bed and smother me with wet kisses. This being said, I am a lover of all animals and a definite cat fancier. I am also a cat owner who adores her sweet kitties. It is certainly hard for me to imagine life without the soft purrs, biscuit-making and gentle head butting. However, if I had to make a choice to live with only one species, the dog would be the winner (just don't tell this to my cats

1 point

Launch games have a unique responsibility. Not only do they have to be good games on their own accord, they've got to showcase the console for which they've been designed. Resogun is a great example of a game that executes both of those missions successfully. It's a solid twin-stick shooter that takes place in a chaotic, cylindrical map full of tons of different kinds of enemies. You'll have to protect helpless humanoids from this surge of colorful, bug-looking creatures. What makes Resogun stand out as a shoot 'em up—you know, besides looking gorgeous—is just how much control it gives you. There are so many ways to rack up points, all of which send you on a more aggressive path to kill enemies. Enemy choreography is damn near Broadway-worthy, too. Watching your foes bend and weave in groups is pretty, but it's also tied to gameplay, as you can learn to adapt to through practice. And when thousands of blocky bits are exploding all over the screen, the graphical power of the PS4 comes through, too.

A Good Match For: People who like to be challenged and enjoy a fast-paced, action

1 point

What happens when a 2D platformer suddenly, magically becomes 3D? Fez happens, that's what. The game captured quite a bit of attention thanks to the outsized behavior of its creator Phil Fish in the documentary Indie Game: The Movie. But after its actual release, it earned (hopefully) far more attention for its intricate design, lush art and lived-in vibe.

Fez somehow manages to be both supremely chilled-out and incredibly demanding; it hides secrets within secrets, and its most challenging puzzles took even the smartest players weeks to crack. And yet… if you want, you can just chill out next to a cute inchworm or a frog and watch the sun set. Despite the blocky graphics, Fez actually does benefit from the PS4's high-resolution visuals. Each sunset will fill your living room with beautiful colors; the ocean's shushing in the distance, beautiful music floats down from the sky, and the world just keeps on turning. Aaah.

A Good Match For: Puzzle fanatics, fans of retro game art and music, anyone who likes digging into the audio files of a game looking for hidden easter eggs.

Not a Good Match For: Anyone looking for an easygoing game—Fez may be visually lush and relaxed, but in truth it's a pretty challenging game.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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