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RSS Greas

Reward Points:39
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10 most recent arguments.
greas(39) Clarified
1 point

I don't want a childish argument. I just want a debate where every poster adds something to it.

1 point

All you did was tell us to shut up because we should value our time together.

After that you didn't make any effort to counter my arguments. Instead you said that me and my mother are really the same person.

I claimed that we weren't, which caused you to want to quit the debate.

1 point

I find it funny as well. But at the time, it was a rage inducing fight.

It's especially funny how two people think that my mother and I are fake for some reason.

0 points

We are not fake. Please explain your arguments better before say make such baseless accusations.

1 point

Well goodbye. You offered absolutely nothing of insight on this, so it doesn't matter if you leave.

1 point

Why? What is there to say that is BS? My mother and I are just trying to work through some issues.

greas(39) Clarified
1 point

I pay for you a good sum of money for rent every month. Don't change the facts.

1 point

We technically live in the same house. We just live on two different floors, ( which is something that my mother already said in a different post). Also, she and I have two completely styles of writing.

Well what's the argument about then?

1 point

I'm not going to just, " Get over it." I believe that it is important to discuss with people any issues that you have with them, instead of keeping them bottled up inside. I don't want the anger that I felt towards her to become worse and damage our relationship just because we didn't take the time to discuss our issues.

I also believe in staying true to my beliefs. This means that I'm not going to apologize to her until I realize that I was wrong.

1 point

No, the previous person implied that I should give you the food in exchange for giving birth to me.

What are you talking about? I pay you every month.

Displaying 3 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Are the actions I made considered to be selfish?
Winning Position: Unresolved
Winning Position: No it hasn't

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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