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RSS HLozano

Reward Points:10
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I do believe texting effects most person's abilities to comunicate other ways. For example, when I write an essay I sometimes abbreviate words or shorten them. I havent noticed anything in my speech but I do believe it can damage our writing skills and maybe even our spelling skills. Sometimes I spell the word "your" as "ur" or instead of writing "you" we use just the letter "u".

3 points

I believe this question could go either way for me. People have rights and the government can't be digging their nose in peoples business. However, if the government believes and has proof that an individual or a group of individuals is planning something that is wrong then I think it is okay for the government to do something about it.

1 point

In real life not all people change and I have seen that around family members and friends. With out a father there is always going to be a chance that another male will step into your life and be a fatherly figure to you. They probably wont try to become one but I bet you would follow into their steps and model your self after that person. Now this isnt the case for everyone but more then likely either your mother will find someone new or an uncle can step in to guide you through. That sure beats having a father who doesnt care.

0 points

In my opinion, I believe it is better to be fatherless then to have a lousy father. I wouldnt know how it feel to have a lousy father but I have friends that there fathers are always drunk and never do anything to help them. They sometimes tell me they wish there dad wasn't around. Now if my dad was like that I would think the same because at least by not having a father you wouldnt know how it feels to be dissapointed by a father.

0 points

I wouldnt turn her in becuase she is my wife. She made a mistake that we can get over it. If she trusted me by telling me what she did then I couldn't do that to her.

1 point

I agree that Shakespeare's works makes you think at a higher level. But so does Edgar Allen Poe and his works are way more interesting in my opinion. He talks about death and the supernatural, not about love and conquering other kingdoms. The Raven was kind of difficult to understand too but it was interesting, I paid full attention.

1 point

I don't think we should be learning about Shakespeare's works because a lot of the students don't find it very interesting. In my opinion, I find Shakespeare and his medieval works very boring. For example, when my freshmen English class read Romeo and Juliet more then half the class would fall asleep. No one really paid any attention. Also, sometimes Shakespeare can be a lot to handle. It's sometimes to hard to understand. Even though now they have translations in our English, many students still find it very difficult to understand what the characters are talking about. I think we should stick to other type of literature that captures our attention.

0 points

I agree because some people in this world are not born into freedom until they make something to change that. Some people are born with freedom but others have things done to them to hold them back. Like in Cuba, the military tries to control the people living there but some choose to escape Cuba and come here to be free from all the injustice.

1 point

In this election my favorite is Obama. He seems to have a better connection with the young voters, the hispanic voters and the African Amercian voters then McCain does. Also I like Obama's views on the college requirement and how he wants to make it affordable to everyone that wants to go because I want to go.

1 point

I believe it's better to be wealthy because when a person has money I don't think they would care if someone respects them or not. Like for example, if I was rich and had money and cars and shoes and clothes and all the good stuff, the last thing on my mind would be whether people respect me or not. I would pay someone to respect me. Respect will only get a person so far but wealth can take you to the end of the world.

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