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RSS Hopesimmons

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

People had to go through years and years of "hurt feelings" to get basic rights in our country just because of their race. I agree that some conversations have the potential to get uncomfortable, but that is necessary for people to state their opinions and learn from others.

2 points

I agree with you when you said "So, not talking about race enough will hinder the process of fixing the broken social connections within our country." We cannot grow as a country without being educated. Americans cannot form their own opinions on a topic if they are not informed about every aspect of it. Learning leads to growth in a country. Americans should be taught about racism in schools so they can form their own opinions and contribute to a change in the country.

3 points

Race is important to discuss so that Americans can be informed about the injustices that different races have faced in the past. If people are misinformed or even uninformed, how can we grow as a country? Students should learn about race because it is a part of American history.

1 point

I completely agree with you. Americans cannot learn from our country's past mistakes without being educated on them.

3 points

I agree with you: we do not talk about race enough in school. In history, the only racial issues we discussed heavily have been about civil rights, not about Native Americans. We definitely need to do a better job of informing the younger citizens of our country about the horrible events that occurred to Native Americans and POC in our country so that we can grow as a country from those events. I also think that students need to be informed about systematic racism in our country...terms such as that are not defined enough to students when they are still present in society today.

3 points

Students should be fully informed about topics involving race in education. It's not the federal government's place to regulate what topics are not allowed to be taught in education. If students are not educated about topics that are prevalent in our country, they will be unable to form their own opinions. Topics such as slavery and civil rights are not "too left wing" to be banned from being taught in schools, and therefore should be taught to students in school.

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