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RSS Hward

Reward Points:1
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1 point

I am a teenage girl who has both seen the twilight movies and read the book series.

I believe that twilight is a very bad influence on young teenagers as the main protagonist, Bella Swan, completely alienates herself from her family and friends at the thought of this dream boy. Bella claims to be "independent" and "grown up" throughout the series but she appears to be incapable of making decisions on her own, she needs Edward around her at all times, and finds the idea of him (who has an particular thirst for her blood) watching her sleep when they have barely known each other for about a month or so. She constantly refers to him as "Adonis" or "Zeus' younger , more attractive brother" and such things. I never at the time realised how much it actually affected me, as I suddenly became very closed off from the rest of my family, and friends, staying in my room a lot, not being my usual, bubbly self. I felt myself becoming very distant and awkward like Bella. Bella shows girls that you need a boyfriend to have a good life, and when he left she automatically became suicidal, jumping off cliffs to hear the sound of his voice. Bella also constantly tries to make Edward have sex with her despite him not wanting to, people often say that Twilight shows that you should wait for sex. It doesn't. Edward wants to wait for sex. Not "amazing" Bella.

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