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RSS Hy99

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

Medical industries has benefitted alot from the advancement of technology, their wide-ranging new equipments and skills ranges from 3D-printed facial structure to robotics surgeon that the medical industries working. Indeed the medical industries have achieved many breakthroughs which many people previously thought was unachievable. This shows that medical science unimaginably powerful and there are far more that can be done to constantly improve on the health condition of the patients. One example will be a fourteen year old girl in South California has been living without a heart for 118 days before she could get a heart transplant and was only depending on the 2 pumps that was fitted into her body during that period of time. Heart is known to be the vital organ people needs in order to stay alive and the development of this technology has start to develop faith in people about medical science and thus serves as a motivation that drives more creation on medical machineries that will improve the efficiency of the currentedict procedure. Therefore showing that people are not expecting too much on medical science.

2 points

In this modern society, where technology advances, most communication and interaction are conducted through the use of technology such as email and text message. Most interviews now require people to send an email beforehand, proposals required to be typed out before presentation, hence showing that written form is a more determining factor in terms of the first impression given to people as compared to the spoken form. One example would be that the testimonials and resumes that were being written, are assessed by the schools and companies respectively before they decide whether to accept the applicant. This shows the importance of written form as without a clear and persuasive letter, the schools or companies may not even provide an opportunity for the applicant to show off their verbal skills.

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