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RSS Hypotenuse

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1 point

Why is it Hitler's fault?Why not the League of Nations?The weaknesses of the League of Nations were the main causes for the outbreak of World War Two.If they are willing to cooperate and be able to gain trusts with one another,Hitler would not be bold enough for his expansionist policy.One such example is the Abyssinian Crisis.Since Abyssinia is close to Europe,the major powers such as Britain and France should intervene when it is being attacked by Italy.However,because of the allies formed among Italy,Britain and France,they did not take any action.Because of the inability of the League of Nations to impose meaningful sanctions,it resulted in making Hitler bolder,enable him to think that he can do whatever he wants to.Besides the Abyssinian Crisis,the failure of disarmament is another factor which is the failure of disarmament.The major powers were all selfish and only took interests in their own countries.They refuse to cooperate and eventually distrust one another.How are they going to strive together for peace?

Yes,Hitler may be at fault too,but it is too much for him to bear most of the responsibility.However,we can't judge him as the bad guy here.In 1919,Treaty of Versailles was signed.Germany had to accept all the blames and to compensate for the war losses as well.This makes the Germans to resent the Treaty of Versailles and also give support to Hitler for the revenge.It is true that he actually took advantages to get rid of Treaty of Versailles.For example,the withdrawal from the League of Nations and the Geneva Disarmament.When the Nazi Party rose to power,Hitler immediately propose to the Treaty of Versailles that Germany should rearm their armies as the same level as French.Because French was unhappy,Hitler was be able to withdraw from the conference and League of Nations,making him even more powerful.Then,Hitler also planned a massive rearmament such as having 2,500 plane Luftwaffe and a 300000 strong army and also an army of 550000 to make Germany stronger.The League of nation didn't impose sanctions to Germany,which is again,one of their weaknesses.Hence,Hitler was be able to enhance Germany's defence.Hitler also remilitarise Rhineland by using the Franco-Soviet Alliance as an excuse.With Hitler's perfect timing and the distractions cause by the Abyssinian Crisis,Hitler's armies were be able to increase tremendously,making him even bolder.This is because,the League of Nations did nothing!Germany is involved in the Spanish Civil War and because the League of Nations did not bother to take action against Germany,Hitler became even more aggressive.Then,Hitler unite with Austria and invaded Czechoslovakia and Poland.As we can see,most of the factors that makes Hitler becomes bolder mainly is because of the League of Nations.The weaknesses of the League of Nations and Treaty of Versailles provided opportunities for Hitler's successes.

Done By: Hui Yuan and Rachael

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