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RSS Iarial

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

What was the point of Hitler murdering his wife? Why was he so upset when she tried to kill herself if he was just going to kill her himself? She tried to kill herself, and he got upset with her, but then killed her himself before comitting suicide... What?

1 point

As shown in the movie, Hitler was not a powerful man when he first started sharing his political views. This goes to show how people really need to be careful about who they follow and who they trust. It also goes to show that we should never understimate people. Though Hitler started with little power, he gained enough to manipulate everyone that supported him. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing," was a quote written by Edmund Burke supporting this. There are many people in the world in the state Hitler was at. Everyone needs to be prepared to be strong enough to stand for what is right to fight against any evil forces that may be the next to rise.

1 point

One of Hitler's claimed beliefs was that sexual immorality was wrong. I find this very hypocritical. He himself molested his niece which is sexually immoral, so how could he claim to be against it?

1 point

A lot of people did not support Hitler because of his beliefs. Often people only supported him because of the things he promised them. These include him promising farmers more pay for their crops, to give jobs to those who did not have them, and to help raise profit of middle class buisnesses.

Supporting Evidence: "Why did people support Hitler?" (
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About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Arial Powers
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Religion: Mormon
Education: High School

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