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Reward Points:18
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

Millions is a bit far-fetched. Maybe a few.

Of the people I know who have electronic do-dads to shove in their mouths and suck on, all still burn tobacco (rolled up in rice paper, abutting a porous cylinder) and inhale that instead. It is more than just the nicotine that they are addicted to; the kinesthetic actions associated with lighting up and taking a drag are hard to artificially replicate.

What about the possibility of a new generation of addicted smokers who may use these devices initially as a novelty? What if it becomes chic? I saw a celebrity using one on the Ellen show! ON the Ellen show! Puffing and carrying on about it.

It's apparently cheaper(?), and you can make a statement that you are... quitting..?

Don't often see someone proudly brandishing a nicotine patch on their upper arm. Oh goodness, the _ brand is so good I am now on three patches a day!

But it will save some people. People who are wishing to quit. Without that urge, these things are just a healthier (?) alternative to smoking.

Ho ho, try this new product. The Electronic Whiskey Snifter! When tipped it makes a sloshing noise, and releases a fine spray of tasteless alcohol at a much lower percentage than normal whiskey and with a lot less of the gunk that is needed to produce this vile substance so you have MUCH less of a hangover. It looks so real you will fit right in at a bar and look classy! Never worry about drink spiking again

1 point

this debate is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood

1 point

Individual differences: Children have diverse interests and learning styles, and some may benefit from extended screen time for specific educational or creative pursuits. Imposing a uniform restriction may not account for these individual differences and may limit the potential for personalized learning experiences.

1 point

Parental guidance: Rather than imposing strict time limits, it is argued that parents should take an active role in managing their child's screen time. By providing guidance, setting rules, and fostering responsible device usage, parents can help children develop healthy digital habits without the need for arbitrary restrictions.

1 point

Digital literacy: In today's digital age, proficiency in using electronic devices and digital tools is essential. Restricting device usage may hinder the development of important digital literacy skills that are increasingly relevant in academic, professional, and personal contexts.

1 point

Educational benefits: Electronic devices provide access to a wide range of educational resources, interactive learning apps, and online platforms that can enhance a child's educational experience. Restricting usage to 2 hours may limit their exposure to valuable educational opportunities, hindering their learning potential.

1 point

Balanced lifestyle: The resolution promotes a balanced lifestyle by encouraging primary-aged students to engage in a diverse range of activities beyond electronic devices. This includes outdoor play, hobbies, creative pursuits, and spending quality time with family and friends, which are essential for holistic development.

1 point

Social development: Excessive screen time may hinder a child's social development by reducing face-to-face interactions and interpersonal skills. Limiting device usage encourages children to participate in real-world social activities, fostering communication, empathy, and the development of meaningful relationships.

1 point

Academic performance: Too much screen time can negatively affect a child's academic performance. Restricting electronic device usage ensures that students allocate sufficient time for studying, completing homework, and engaging in offline educational activities. This can enhance concentration, critical thinking skills, and overall academic achievement.

1 point

Health and well-being: Excessive screen time has been associated with various health issues, including sedentary behavior, obesity, and sleep disturbances. Limiting electronic device usage to 2 hours a day encourages children to engage in physical activities, interact with others, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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